
Friday, October 2, 2015

SAW U.S. Marines

Storming ashore today is a fifteen figure battalion of U.S. Marines for the Spanish-American War project.
The Old Glory figures are animated in a variety of ways and make for a dynamic unit on the field.  In my opinion, Old Glory's SAW range is one of their finest efforts in 25mm.
Lacking thus far in the project are heavy support for the U.S forces to assist in assaulting Spanish strongholds.  It is probably time to add a heavy support weapon or two into the painting queue.  After that, perhaps time is near for a small scrap on Cuba?

First, though, a second battalion of U.S. Marines awaits in the wings.


  1. Great looking SAW US troops, Jonathan. I also like OG's range for the period - I have their Boxer Reb. Japanese which are similarly sculpted and posed. They have enough individual animation, yet still look uniform together.

    1. Thanks, Dean. I recall seeing your Meiji Japanese and thought the same. They look to be made from the same basic dollies.

      Will be be seeing more of your battles with your interesting Boshin War collection? I hope so!

  2. Nicely done Jonathan, thse Old Glory figures are really beautiful...

    1. Thank you, Phil! I agree with you. This is an excellent Old Glory range of figures.

  3. Nice! and interesting looking unit...

  4. Fine looking unit, and of course I'm already a fan of Old Glory. I agree this is one of their best ranges, though.

    The SAW played a significant role in truly reunifying the country in the aftermath of the Civil War and "reconstruction" of the South.

    1. Thanks, Peter. Old Glory actually has many outstanding ranges and a few clankers. SAW is one of my favorites, for sure. From what I have seen of the Renaissance range, it looks excellent as well.

    2. The Ancients to Medieval and Renaissance ranges are great figures to collect and paint.i.e. Late Medieval & Renaissance Samurai are fantastic.

      I'm not to sure about the 1st Edition Old Glory ACW and Napoleonic figure ranges, most them are really (badly sculpted) shockers! :o)

  5. Great looking Marines Jonathan!
