
Sunday, October 18, 2015

Austrian Hussar Regiment #11 - 1859

Year-to-Date, the 1859 Italian War of Independence project has seen more figures cross the painting desk than any other.  That continues today with the mustering out of four squadrons of the 11th Austrian Hussar Regiment.

Figures are from Lancashire Games and as with other cavalry from Lancashire, these hussars contain no command.  Excellent sculpting with virtually no flash although slightly smaller than Mirliton.

I ought to get this collection back onto the gaming table.  If not for a game, at least a photo log of the growth in the project over the last two years.

Many figures for this project saw a coat of primer this weekend as the weather turned cooler and more humid and thoughts turned towards winter.  With fall soon to turn to winter, time to lay in the supply of primed figures to hold my painting production through the long winter.


  1. Austrian (Hungarian) Hussars - Ausgezeichnet!

    A bit plainer than their Napoleonic or even SYW brethren, but fine looking none the less.And yes, you should get this project on the table for a game, Jon!

    1. A bit plainer than their ancestors but still a handsome uniform.
      Ah yes, so many projects, so little time!

  2. They look terrific. Nice job on the lace on the sleeve cuffs. Veru colourful contrasts between the green of the shakos and the red of the saddle blankets.
    It's getting cold here in central Canada. May be too late for me to prime amy more figures outside, unless we get a warm spell.

    1. Thank you, Michael!

      I typically prime in the garage year-round but when it is really cold the garage is cold too. I try to get a head start on the painting queue before winter finally grabs on for good.

      Of course, figures I prime in the fall often times aren't always the ones that get paint during the winter.

  3. Another great addition to your collection.

    1. Thanks! It is about time to take a group shot and see how the project has grown over the last two years.

  4. They look excellent. I'm surprised that they are smaller than Mirliton - I always think of Lancashire as being on the big side with their figures. A battle would be much appreciated!

    1. Actually, some of the Mirliton and Lancashire match very well.
      I should make a side-by-side comparison.

  5. Austrian Hussars are always beautiful, and you've a grea job on those ones...excellent!

  6. Great looking Hussars with their yellow braiding and green shakos. Yes, the weather is cooling, and the sun going down sooner.

    1. Thanks, Dean! The colored shakos do make the hussars stand out.

      As for the fall weather, soon no more afternoon cycling during the work week.

      Say, I am on your side of the State all week, On one of my trips, we should consider getting together for a gaming session one evening.

    2. Yes, have you played Lion Rampant yet? That would be a great evening game - or a Friday or weekend - I'm off on Fridays. Just let me know. Dean

    3. I have not tried LR yet.
      I was thinking of adding the Commands & Colors box into the car on my next trip over. Would CCA with miniatures be of interest?

  7. Love the color scheme, classic Austrian hussars! Yes please, back on the gaming table with this collection!!!

    1. Classic Austrian hussars, for sure.
      No matter the period, hussars always dress smartly.

      As for a game, thoughts of a refight of San Martino have been active in my mind.

  8. Great work Jonathan, you don't get to paint a green hat on many Napoleonic figures!!
