
Monday, September 7, 2015

Officer for Great Italian Wars Project

During the Christmas holidays, my buddies often exchange small wargaming related gifts.  Sometimes these gifts are meant to fill in a gap in the recipient's collections or projects.  Other times, these gifts are a source for "priming the pump."  That is, introducing a small incentive to get a project moving.  Of course, it could be both!

Such was the situation with these two figures.  After the first outing with Jake's Great Italian Wars project (see Battle of Maisnon BatRep), Jake presented to me this duo of black primed figures.  Knowing that a Great Italian Wars project was seriously under consideration, his timing was perfect.  My timing, however, was less than perfect having taken me this long to get the figures into the painting queue.  At least I finished them before Christmas 2015 rolls around!  That in itself is a small success.  Figures are Wargames Foundry.
Great figures and this stand will make a fine command element.

Jake, thank you again! 
Two, five figure stands of mounted gendarmes and two, three figure stands of mounted crossbowmen are in work.


  1. Gorgeous figures and painting - marvelous!

  2. The figure exchange to prime or supplement a project is a fine idea. Nice work on the command figures. I like that line by Foundry as the knights have that fancy skirt popular during the period.

    1. The Foundry line is excellent, for sure. Crisp sculpting and great detail. Glad you approve!

  3. This command stand is gorgeous Jon, excellent job!

  4. Classy figures and paint job - lovely! It really is a most attractive period.

    1. Italian Wars is a most attractive period. A period I am only just getting beginning.but I really like the look of the finished results.

  5. Really nice paint job on some great figures, what rules are you planning on using for your great Italian war project? I'm undecided between pike and shot(black powder) or impetus, or have you something else planned? Iain

    1. Thank you! For rules, we have have given Impetvs a try since we like them for other periods. Impetvs works very well for the Great Italian Wars and those are the rules we plan to continue using.

      I am looking forward to getting my small collection onto the gaming table to face off against my gaming colleague, Jake.

    2. Looks great Jon. The summer seams to have slipped by. Perhaps we can get these on the table before winter.

    3. Jake, the summer has slipped by quickly. I only participated in one FtF game all summer. Hopefully, gaming will improve this fall.

  6. The Foundry ITW range is still one of the best out there, and make for enjoyable painting. Also, I haven't been able to find good artillery castings in 28mm besides Foundry (excluding any GW Empire cross overs conversions) Looking forward to the coming ITW postings.

    1. Soren, the Foundry range is a good one. Even though the Late Medieval and Renaissance ranges were sculpted by the Perrys, the Late Medieval cavalry are much smaller then the big Renaissance cav. I wonder if the foot suffer from the same scale creep?

  7. One a my fav periods! Even though I've not played a game for more years than i remember!

    1. It could become one of mine too!
      Who am I kidding? They are ALL my favorites!

  8. Really nice gift! Lovely period and on my to do list!


    1. Nice gift, for sure. I think Jake wanted me to get moving on fielding a force for this project.

  9. Great work on some superb (if very hefty!) figures. I have the same ones in my collection from years ago, and they are among the best work the Perrys have done... and that's saying something.

    I think for many of us FTF wargames take a Holiday ovber the summer - for those of us in the Noerthern hlaf of the country, summer is too short top waste, and vacation schedules make coordinating games difficult. In my case, I usually expect to do no games for about 2 months after Historicon due to the above and needing a bit of down time to let my Wargaming batteries recharge.

    Re Renaissance Artillery pieces, the Old Glory Artillery for the Italian Wars is very good - but do NOT get their Late Medieval guns, which are way under sized. Hinchliffe (Hinds figures) is an excellent option as well - their equipment sculpts have held up very well even after 40 - 50 years!

    Click on the Latest figure list, and then go to the EQUIPMENT range. Quite a few options there!

    1. Gad, some day I may learn to type w/o so m,any typos - I type so darned much on the job now I can't stand taking much time to proofread, and it shows! :-)

    2. No worries concerning typing. Even when I type correctly, sometimes autocorrect makes a mess out it.

    3. Yes, summers are relatively short in the north so we must "make hay while the sun shines!" Juggling schedules during the summer is difficult as you say. With more demand from the yard and more hours spent outdoors on the bike, FtF gaming gets pushed to the back. Still, the paint manages to keep flowing, though.

      As for artillery, that bridge has yet to be crossed. In the purchase from Phil in February, included were a number of guns. My recollection is that he pulled the guns from a WSS range. Was it Foundry or Old Glory? I don't recall. Anyway, they are nice, big pieces! I will post a photo of the guns. Perhaps you will recognize them? Hinchliffe will get a look. Thanks for the tips!

  10. This is a delightful command stand/centerpiece! Foundry is quite spendy but wow, so much character.
