
Sunday, August 23, 2015

French Allies in the 18mm Napoleonic Project

Having retroactively given the Austrians the Minwax treatment, the white-coated French allies seemed a logical next target.  Those white coats would include the Italians and Westphalians.  As I finished the Westphalians and Italians, I thought why not complete the task by treating all of the French allies?  Why not?

Following is photo Pass-In-Review of showing the French allied formations on parade after their Minwax wash.  The allies thus far mobilized in the project are Westphalians, Italians, Bavarians, Poles, Hessians, Badeners, and Wurttembergers.  There may be a few other special units in the collection but did not surface during this exercise.  I am certain a few Swiss regiments have been mustered.  They must be lurking among the French. Maybe they will turn up later?
French Allies
View from the left
View from the right
Bavarian contingent
Westphalian and Italian contingents
Polish, Hesse-Darmstadt, Baden, and Wurttemberg contingents
While many of the Italians recently saw service on the long running Raab battle, the others have not seen active service since long ago campaigning in a series of 1809 battles.


  1. wow..They all look great Jonathan! - what, no Saxon Allies! I'm really..... :o)


    1. I know, I know. I almost fielded Saxons several years ago. Had the Old Glory figures purchased and then sold the whole unpainted lot when I figured I had enough 15/18mm Napoleonics. I call this period the great 15mm Napoleonic purge. Very few 15mm unpainted Napoleonics remain.

  2. Fantastic parade review!
    It's hard to motivate oneself to return to 'finished' figs, so well done!

    1. It is good to pull the figures from their storage boxes and see where you stand. It gives one a sense of perspective on the results of slow but steady progress.

  3. A great looking band of merry helpers for Bony & co! Will there be anymore willing helpers??

  4. Superb collection :)
    C'est magnifique....!

    1. Sorry dodgy phone connection = multiple sends!

    2. Thank you!

      No worries, duplicates have been deleted.

  5. We always need allies...and yours are beautiful!

    1. Thank you, Phil!

      Did Napoleon not say that he would rather fight an ally than be one?

  6. There is a few hours work. Nice stuff Jon.

  7. Impressive Jon, quite a Grand Armée you have there - will you be adding a Russian counterpart and do some of the 1812 battles perhaps?

    1. Soren, I DO have Russian contingents!
      Sadly, they have not seen any action since the Russians participated in the Austerlitz game about three years ago.

      If you are interested in seeing that setup, go to

      An 1812 game ought to be considered although my preference for including the Russians is more towards the 1813 campaign. With that, I can field Austrians, Prussians, and Russians against the French.

    2. Oh yes, Völkerschlacht at Leipzig would be interesting to run, perhaps as a series of scenarios stringed together. That Austerlitz table looked very inviting too, count me in to run the troops of Soult if you ever decide to do a re-match.

    3. That Austerlitz game was a monster consuming the entire 12x6 foot table! Troops were packed quite densely across the expanse too. We could really have a multi-command replay. Could I handle the logistics of such a large, moderated game? Let me ponder that.

      Maybe late fall/winter would be good time to consider another remote command game since most outdoor activities and commitments will be winding down?

  8. That's a decent Allied force. Always like to see Wurttemburgers on the tabletop just because it is such a cool name.

    1. Thank you, Nate! "Wurttemburger" is a nifty name.

    2. Wurttemburgers? what's that, I prefer cheeseburgers instead - with no mayo please :oP

      sorry Jon for the poor gag (early in the morning) you may want to delete this message!


    3. Phil, no need to delete anything. I prefer my cheeseburger with no mayo too!

    4. hehehe...Thanks Jon! anyway all joking aside... My favorite units to play with/or paint are the Confederation of the Rhine units i.e. Wurttemburger's, Bavarian's, Saxon's, Westphalian's, Hessian's etc. Napoleon needed these "Rhine States" troops (about 70,000 troops all toll) for his campaigns and he knew if he failed/lost a campaign/war The Confederation of the Rhine states will desert him and sure enough it happen - after the battle at Leipzig 1813, the Confederation of the Rhine collapsed and abandoned Napoleon...

      You have a great collection of Rhine and other Allies figures/units!


    5. Your know your Rheinbund!

      Perhaps your Saxons will see service in an 1813 scenario against the French after having defected to the Allies?

  9. Amazing array of allies! It's like a world war! :)

  10. Great and diverse collection of French Allies, Jon. If the Bavarians are any guide, the "dip" has improved them.

    How about allied Cavalry and artillery? :-)

    I hop-we to add some Italian Horse Honor Guards, the Wurzburg regiment of the Rhinebund, and maybe a Nassau and/or Frankfurt regiment to my 28mm contingents. Then there are those new Muraski Badeners...

    1. The allied cavalry and artillery are tucked away behind the infantry. If you look at the overhead shots, you can pick out both artillery and cavalry.

      I look forward to seeing you deploy more French allies. Those Muraski Badeners look fantastic!

  11. Replies
    1. Welcome, Dan!

      There are more where these came from.

  12. Impressive. Have not seen much of the 18mm.

  13. Yet another awesome collection to proud of! It seems you game most every period!;-)

