
Wednesday, August 12, 2015

AWI British Combined LI

A long time has passed since the AWI project last saw action on the painting desk.  My painting log confirms that.  Last 28mm AWI unit across the table was nearly 18 months ago.  Quite a long hiatus.  At least the collection saw action on the gaming table last October.
To work through a few of the stockpiled AWI lead, 16 British infantry were selected to field as a combined light infantry battalion and to mix up the painting routine.  Figures are from Perry Miniatures and light infantry coys from four battalions are brought together to form this unit.  Most other figures in this project have been fielded from the marching pose. Figures for this light infantry battalion are formed from the charging pose.  Much variety within the figures and collectively make a dynamic unit.   
Maybe I will not wait a year and a half before bringing this project up for a painting desk encore?


  1. Another excellent unit Jon. The mix of facings and poses definitely gives them that dynamic look.

    1. Thanks, Jake! I like the look of this unit and it breaks up the long lines of marching redcoats. Now, can they fight?

  2. Nice work as always, Jonathan. I will vicariously enjoy your AWI project, as it's another period I've shied away from.

    1. Well, I rarely discover a period I don't enjoy.
      It may be the ruin of me...

  3. delightful painting on your Perry Miniatures Jonathan - marvelous!


    1. Thanks for the kind comments, Phil!
      I hope to get another Renaissance unit into the painting queue soon.

    2. Rumor has it you gave away some or most of your 28mm unpainted Renaissance figures? because you have far to many to paint! :o)

    3. Phil, while I have, undoubtedly too much lead to paint, I would never sell the Renaissance figures. Lies, I tell ya!

    4. glad to read you have all Renaissance figures waiting to be painted!

      by the way your AWI British Combined LI unit, the figures mounted on 1 inch by 2 inches bases?


    5. Yep, all figures have been safely added to The Lead Pile.

      The AWI bases are 30mm frontage x 40mm.depth.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks, Scott!
      We ought to plan on getting our collections back onto the gaming table this fall. We managed to get them out for a game last fall. Perhaps, we can pull it off two years in a row?

    2. It sounds like a great idea to me. Do you want to try Land of the Free again? British Grenadier?

    3. I would give either a playing or try something entirely different too. We should plot our next move!

    4. Oh, if we could work my Germans into the fight that would be an added bonus.

  5. The assorted Light Infantry types are some of the more fun units for the AWI, and these look very good!

    1. It was fun to put four differently uniformed Light Bobs into one combined unit. A variety of facings, small clothes, gaiters, leggings, and breeches adds much interest.

      Thank you!

  6. A nice addition of Red Coats. One of the real beauties of this hobby is the long stretch - I admit it has a charm to get things done and reach the gaming table, but I also like those longer projects, where the collection quietly grows over the years as we return to it from time to time with new inspiration.

    1. The 28mm AWI project is one where I have more than enough British and Germans to fight most battles against Scott's colonials. With that, there is no pressing need to field more troops. Still many scores of figures remain in The Lead Pile so I pull a handful or two out occasionally and give them a turn on the painting desk.

      Our hobby is certainly not one for those seeking instant gratification. Your point about letting a collection grow slowly over time is a good one and one to which I ascribe. With so many interests, this is a program of necessity!

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you! Appreciate you stopping by for a visit.

  8. Nice poses and beautiful paint job, love these ones Jon!

  9. Nice looking regiment Jonathan from a great period!


    1. Mine cannot compete against yours but I am ok with that!
