
Friday, July 31, 2015

State of the Painting Desk

With work taking me out of town for the week, I snapped a couple of photos to remind myself what was in work when I departed.  What was on the painting desk when I left?

Nearing completion are two units.  The first, is a twelve figure regiment of four squadrons of Sardinian light cavalry for the 15mm Risorgimento project.  The cavalry are Mirliton.  The second is a sixteen figure battalion of combined light infantry for the 28mm AWI project.  Figures are from Perry Miniatures' excellent AWI metal range. 
Perry AWI and Mirliton Risorgimento
As noted, both units are nearing completion having undergone the Minwax treatment and a spray of Dullcote before heading out for the week.  Once I return to the painting desk, it will be time to base the figures.

In a less completed state is a French line infantry regiment of 36 figures.  These 36 figures will comprise 3 x 12 figure battalions.  Figures are primarily Lancashire Games with a few Old Glory command added.
Lancashire and Old Glory Risorgimento
Completing these works will get August painting off to a good start.


  1. Oh dear. I think my tally for last week was two hussars :)

    Keep up the good work Jonathan.

    1. Well! I did not complete anything last week and two hussars finished off are much better than none!

  2. In the later 19th century mode at present, it seems. As usual, I take a painting Holiday for at least a month after Historicon... while I contemplate what to do next year!

    1. After your Herculean efforts in preparation for Historicon and the running of your massive game, I can understand needing August to recuperate!

      Can you really stay away from the brush for an entire month? I guess we will see. If no brushwork, at least provide an occasional glimpse into your project contemplations for next year.

  3. Nice photographic record of your WIP, Jonathan.
