
Sunday, July 26, 2015

Italian Wars Arquebusiers

Having four blocks of pikemen recruited from an outside supplier, the Italian Wars project shifts into a new phase with the mustering of four stands of arquebusier.  These sixteen hand gunners muster out in a multitude of colors and combinations.  No two are exactly the same.  
With non-uniform uniforms, Landsknechts will take a long time to paint as I wrestle with the indecision on how to tackle them with the brush.  I have received many helpful suggestions on painting Landsknechts, Swiss, and Italians as well as a number of blogs displaying expertly painted figures.  
Figures are from Wargames Foundry and are the first of many figures to paint for this small project.  Ready for fielding now are four pike blocks each with one skirmisher stand of two-handed swordsmen and one of arquebusier.  Needed to complete this first tranche of four columns are a few stands of cavalry.  Enough horsemen are in The Lead Pile to field at least two heavy cavalry stands of five figures each.
This is a start but already I believe enough formations can be called up to take on my buddy Jake in a small Impetvs encounter.  Jake, sounds like a challenge, does it not?


  1. They look really nice Jonathan! This keeps tempting me to start my Italian Wars project! Need to resist........


    1. Thank you, Christopher! Your figures would certainly be something to behold. I say push on!

  2. Lovely looking figures/unit, work and colours! - Marvelous - well done Jonathan!


    1. Thanks, Phil! I just finished these before I left to your side of the state for the week. I did not have time to put these hand gunners along side your pikemen to see how they look when combined.

  3. They look very nice.

    Arquebusiers are deadly in the rules we play - Impetus. Some of the guys I play with think it isn't fair that I have them - ha ha.

    1. We use Impetvs for this period too. My early impression is that Impetvs works very well for the Italian Wars.

  4. Tsk, tsk - entirely too drab, don't you think? :-)

    In all serious, great and much needed additions!

    1. :o) Pete, your Battle of Ligny, 1815 at Historicon 2015 psoting is down cannot read it! :o) cheers,

    2. Colorful lot, for sure! I did enjoy tackling them and it will get easier the more I do.

      Thank you for your comments!

    3. Phil, Peter's last posting has me confused too. I saw something entirely different in the thumbnail than the page to which I am transported.

  5. Great work Jonathan. Gotta respect a man who goes into battle wearing puffy purple pants!

    1. Very true! It takes a tough and confident guy to pull that wardrobe off.


  6. Great looking figures! Love the period, you get to use all the colours you've never used before!

    1. Thank you, Ray!

      Quite right about colors. I used colors that rarely see the brush.

  7. Gunpowder? Pah. It'll never catch on.

  8. Challenge accepted. Let's see if we can actually find some time in August! Excellent paint schemes BTW

    1. Excellent! Yeah, I should have at least possible weekends for a game in August.

      As for paint schemes and painting Landsknechts, I will pick up steam and confidence once I get more of these fellows under my belt.

  9. Gentlemen clad in laces; what's not to like.. wonderful unit, and I quite agree on your aspect of added production time due to the differentiation process of anti-uniformation in a full color palette. The Foundry ITW range is superb, do you know how they compare to TAG's or Eureka's?

    1. Thank you, Soren!

      I have not seen Eureka's figures but do have some TAG figures although the TAG figs have yet to be unboxed. I will report back once I get to them.

      I bet Phil can give you a good comparison between WF and TAG. Phil?

      When I gave them a cursory look when they first arrived, I recall thinking they would fit in well although TAG are a bit more slender than WF. I will put a few TAG into the queue and then we will know.

    2. Looking forward too it! Have you seen those Eureka Gendarmes - wow! Was thinking to build my Imperial cavalry from those blisters, perhaps adding some TAG too.

    3. The Eureka horsemen sure look nice but I have only seen photos of them. Nothing in hand. With your brush magic, these fellas would look smashing.

  10. Excellent handgunner, Jonathan. I've been remiss posting recently due to computer issues.

    1. Thank you, Dean!

      While I always enjoy and welcome your commentary, no need to feel obligated. Hope your computer issues see resolution soon.
