
Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Cycling in Seattle

May and June have been two months of much travel.  By the time the end of June rolls around, I will have been away for about half of each month.  Not good for hobby activities.  Typically, I travel to Seattle regularly for work.  Having recovered from two weeks in Peru, this week saw me hit the road for a week in the city on the Sound.

When the Seattle weather is forecast to be good, I bring along the bike for after work rides.  With sunny skies and temperatures in the upper 70s F (for my European friends, I must stick to Fahrenheit since Celsius just does not quite connect), the bike and gear were packed for the journey.

Often the post-work ride includes routes around Lake Washington.  The main bike route around the lake comes in at about 55 miles.  Monday and Tuesday rides did not fully circumnavigate the lake but I logged about 35 miles each day over different routes.  Monday's route included crossing Lake Washington via the I-90 bridge.  Luckily, there is a separate and dedicated bike lane crossing the lake.  Is there any place more beautiful when it is sunny and warm?

While the photos were captured using my old iTouch, I hope you enjoy a sample of the lakeside scenery.


  1. Good deal, Jon. We're off to Vermont for a few days this weekend... we have friends who have a small 2nd home in Woodstock, VT. Last time I think we walked almost 15 miles in one day. This time more hiking, cycling, swimming, and kayaking are on the schedule, weather permitting. Last time Jan and I were both sore for several days afterwards, LOL!

    1. Have fun this weekend, Peter!

      Get in a good, relaxing weekend before your Prussian marathon at Historicon!

  2. Well that all looks very nice indeed. I thought it was supposed to rain all the time in Seattle.

    High 70s Fahrenheit is circa 25 Celsius - substantially warmer than the British summer has managed yet.

    1. It does not always rain in Seattle. After Jul 4, weather is usually quite pleasant until September.

      For my home town of Spokane, WA (300 miles to the east of Seattle), the forecast for the next 13 days shows high temperatures near 100 F. Yikes! It's going to be damn hot!

  3. Replies
    1. and it was! Four 30 mile afternoon rides along the lake this week. Perfect way to end a work day!

  4. Nice shots, Jonathan. Yes, it's been quite sunny and dry here in Western WA. In fact, I've been watering my yard every morning and evening this past week - don't want the weeds to take over :)

    1. Hot and dry on this side of the state too. 100+F forecast for the foreseeable future.

  5. Seems to be a great place to visit...a little bit far away from France to go there on a bike, but nice pictures!

  6. Those are terrific photos, Jonathan. It looks like very pleasant weather to cycle in. It's been cold, damp and windy here in SW Ontario, haven't had my bike out much this June. Hoping to remedy that after the move.

    1. Cycling in Seattle was quite pleasant with highs in the low 80s. Now, I am back home and into the furnace.

      Michael, I am ready to swap "hotter than hell" for cold and damp! The Pacific NW is enveloped in a heat wave of historic proportions. My fair city, Spokane, hit 106 today and was not much cooler on Saturday. Highs near triple digits forecast for the next week at least.

      Hope you make it out on your bike soon.

  7. Looks like a great time. We need to link up for a ride in Plummer this summer.

    1. We do need to get together for at least one ride this summer and Plummer would be a great meeting place.
