
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

500/5,000 Drawing

When I struck out on this blogging endeavor I call the Palouse Wargaming Journal approaching three years ago, I really knew not what to expect.  My initial objective was to create a place to which I could log and archive my hobby activities.
Would anyone else find my work interesting or mildly entertaining?  I knew not.
Could I make a small contribution to the body of wargaming?  Again, I knew not.
Would the novelty of blogging wear off as a passing fad?  I knew not.
Would the effort required to maintain a blog quickly dampen my enthusiasm? I knew not.
500+ postings and 5,000+ comments later (of course, about half of the comments are my own!), what do I know now?

I know now that blogging has been a useful way to plan and archive my wargaming activities.  For planning, commitment to "as it is written so shall it be done" is a great motivator to remain focused and tackle goals set out.  Blogging has become an integral part of my hobby enjoyment.

I know now that feedback received from readers is a most rewarding source of encouragement.  I count many of the frequent contributors as friends.  If the opportunity arose, there would be no hesitation in facing any of these fine fellows across the gaming table in battle or discourse.

As a token of my appreciation and gratitude to those who stop by for a visit and especially for those making the extra effort to leave a comment, I offer up a few items from the store house.

I submit the following items to a random drawing.  There are two criteria for participating in the drawing (both must be satisfied):
  • Publicly follow the blog by clicking on the "Join this site" (if you have not already done so) as shown below:
  • Leave a comment to this post declaring your wish be entered into the drawing.  If you have a preference, please rank 'em.
To reward the Top Commenters and to encourage others toward frequent contributions, the Top 10 will receive additional weightings to their entries.  For the verbose Top 10, to your singular entry, each will receive an additional 5 + (11 - Top 10 Rank) entries.  For examples, Gonsalvo would get 15 entries into the drawing (1 + 5 + (10-1)) and Ray would receive 7 entries (1 + 5 +(10-9)).  Clear as mud?

On to the prizes!  Of course, if I pull your winning entry from the Random Sampling (without replacement) Hat, the winner could also opt to take a dive into The Lead Pile for a handful of goodies.  A majority of the books are wargaming related but Austerlitz and Maida are cracking good historical accounts.  All are either in new or like new condition. 
Classic Neil Thomas
Reviewed earlier on this blog
Soon to be classic.
Now in paperback.
A Classic ECW booklet
My Favorite series along with 1859 and 1866.
Even if you don't play the rules, 

as a reference it is First Rate
Even if you don't play the rules,
as a reference it is First Rate
Best Austerlitz account
Clear account of the battle.
My Go-To battle for testing
 a set of Napoleonic rules.
Deadline for entries is 10JUL2015. 

Any questions?


  1. Congrats on your 500/5,000 great achievement and I'm sure more to come during next 3 years! Thanks for sharing your painstaking work writing wargame articles and painted miniatures - simply awesome work by you Jon!

    count me in for a chance to win a prize! :oP


    1. Phil, you are always most supportive! I really appreciate that.

      Say, you did not list the titles in which you are interested. How about a top 3?

    2. oops.... My top three books are :o)

      1. The battle of Maida
      2. Wargaming Compendium ( by Henry Hyde)
      3. Ancient and Medieval Wargaming (by Neil Thomas)


  2. Great achievement, it's a great blog to follow :-)

    Love to win one of the prizes


  3. It'd be rude not to enter such a fab givaway!!!! I'm in!!!! I quite fancy the Wargaming Compendium!

    1. Great to have you in the drawing, Ray. With your uncanny ability to pick winning entries, others may not be so keen to have you aboard!

  4. Congratulations on the mileposts! You may regret this competition - the postage to send the Compendium to Ray will bankrupt you!

    I'd like to enter though. Please put my name down for the Neil Thomas books, Austerlitz or Maida.

    1. Edwin, if bankruptcy must be faced, I will do it in the best British tradition. That is, with a stiff upper lip.

      I suspect you are aware of Ray's contest-winning prowess.

      Noted for Thomas, Austerlitz, and Maida.

  5. Include me, sir . . . and congratulations on 500/5000.

    Of the prizes, "The Campaign of Naseby 1645" Osprey would be my first choice; and Thomas' "Ancient & Medieval Wargaming" my second; followed by "Flint & Steel". (note -- I am not interested in the Napoleonic, Franco-Prussian or WWII periods).

    -- Jeff

    1. Thanks, Jeff!

      Noted for Naseby, AMW, and F&S.

      Good luck!

  6. A fabulous milestone sir. Congratulations! Please put me down for the Maida, Austerlitz and Hyde's wargaming book.

    1. Thank you, Michael!

      Down for Maida, Austerlitz, and Hyde.

  7. Well done, Jon!!! We do expect the next five hundred posts in a greatly reduced timeframe, of course...

    Ancient & medieval gaming, followed by Henry's fine tome, and the Naseby book would be my choices if the RNG is kind.

    1. Thanks, Greg! I don't think I can publish any faster unless retirement occurs...

      Down for AMW, Hyde, and Naseby.

  8. Congratulations Jon! It's quite an accomplishment with the blog. I always enjoy your projects and do find that you are ticking all the right boxes. They are all fine gifts, though the Wargaming Compendium would be my first choice.

    By the way, since you sent me some of those fine Celts I always find myself admiring yours in your banner. They are handsome devils, almost like a picture of old friends after painting them.

    1. Thanks for the kind comments, Aaron! Seeing familiar figures is like seeing old friends.

      Noted for Hyde as a first choice.

  9. Cool news Jon. As you're such a consistent supporter of my blogging efforts I feel a bit bad that my name isn't in the list of top commenters on your own site - I must remedy this!
    Like just about everyone else I'd be in for the Naseby book, but my first preference would be 1870 as I have heard it is such a great resource whether you play the period or not from many different people.

    1. Thank you, Nate!

      Have your preferences down as 1870, Naseby.

      Good luck!

  10. Congrats on reaching that post (and comment) count! Quite a hefty amount of posts to write up. Well done!

    Count me in for the Austerlitz, Maida and Hyde's Wargaming Compendium

  11. Congratulations Jon, you've definitely hit your stride.

  12. Congrats Jonathan, always a pleasure to look at your posts....Count me please on 'Ancient and medieval', "Wargaming Compendium", "1645", "1870" and 'Flint and steel'...

    1. Thanks for the kind words, Phil! I always can count on your support, for sure!

      You are down for AMW, Hyde, Naseby, 1870, and F&S.

  13. Congrat's Jonathan! 500/5000 are no mean feat!

    1. Thanks, Rodger!

      Do you have a book preference?

    2. I have done very well of late from blog giveaways so I would like to allow others the chance for awhile!

  14. Congratulations Jonathan on the well-deserved success of your excellent blog.
    I'd be delighted to be in contention for either of the Neil Thomas books.
    Will give this a plug on my own blog today.

    1. Thank you, Michael!

      Noted for the two Thomas books.

      Good luck!

  15. Congrats. Very nice giveaway. I would be very interested in Henry Hyde's book.

    1. Thanks, Chris. You are down for Hyde as #1 preference.

  16. Congratulations on reaching this level! :)

    1. Thanks! Do you want an entry into the prize drawing?

  17. A big congratulations on your milestone Jonathan on a thoroughly fascinating blog!

    Please put me down for The Wargaming Compendium.


  18. Congrats on the joint milestones, some how managed to miss this initially. Very generous prizes - put me down for Wargaming Compendium or the Naseby book please.


  19. Congratulations on the milestone. I have a long way to go to reach that level on my blog. I would like to b entered into the contest and I honestly would like anything! I usually do not win at drawings so I will take whatever is offered. As you can see from my blog I have a lot of interests.
    Thank you and have a great summer!

  20. Hmm, how did I miss this post? Must have been absorbed in the Prussian Painting Push (now completed). I have been very successful in your give-aways thus far, Jon (for which, my thanks), and I have the prime ballot box stuffing spot, so likely this will be the odd time out, LOL!

    Anyway, congrats on the milestones - I was looking for a "Pageviews" counter as well, but didn't see one on the blog.

    Should my number come up yet again, my first choice would be "1 hr wargames (I quite enjoyed your review and the video), then Maida, then Austerlitz.

    1. Oh, and I shall have to make it to the Pacific NW some day (not soon, I am afraid), and you're welcome any time you should chance to visit the NY/Southern New England area!

    2. This post may have been missed since it was posted near the end of June and old month entries do not remain "exploded" on the Archive blog tree.

      No matter! You found it now and I have you entered. Quite right about stuffing the ballot! You will have the most entries being #1.

      I would certainly enjoy a game with you some day, Peter!
      Perhaps, I can make it out to one of the Eastern cons?

    3. Historicon is certainly the top draw, and Virginia is an embarrassment of riches for the historically minded traveler.. Fredericksburg,. The Wilderness, Manassas, Petersburg, Yorktown, Jamestown, Colonial Williamsburg,, Antietam, Monticello, Mount Vernon, Arlington National Cemetary, The Blue Ridge Mountains, Harper';s Ferry, and DCV itself - far more than one could hope to cover in a single week, or even 2 weeks! Easy to fly ion and out of DC as well. :-)

      Haven't been to Huzzah in Maine as yet but is looking better and better every year.

  21. Huzzah! Congratulations on the milestone, Jonathan!

    I nearly missed this little competition again, but your timely reminder directed me here. I feel a little greedy entering this as I won a gift from your last generous haiku competition. However, if I do win, I'd love to have the Austerlitz or Maida books please.

    1. Your prize for the haiku was well deserved!

      I have you entered.

  22. Well done on yer mile stone jonathan!!! I'll watch from the sidelines as I've had my share of competition glory this year with free painted figures! Great blog jonathan and best of luck to the entrants!

  23. With all the crashes and GC drama of the Tour de France, I almost missed this blog post - good thing you posted a reminder Jon! Compliments on your blogging achievements - I'd like to put emphasis on the way you add innovation to this media/format, like the sequence of participation games you posted, framed by a nice narrative - some of the most entertaining AARs I've read.

    1. Thanks for the kind comments, Soren. You are always very supportive. Much appreciated!

      TdF has been very exciting and it was good to see T. Martin take yellow yesterday. I always root for his solo break-always to make it clear and survive to the finish. This time it did!

      Do you have a preference list for the books if your name is selected in the drawing?

    2. I'm also a big fan of Tony's, with fellow Dane Brian Holm as the Etixx team's director of sports. I was saddened to see Tony's dramatic exit yesterday, but what amazing pictures it was, when his team mates helped the battered champion over the finish line, all knowing that this was his last moment in yellow and in fact his last race for this year. Regarding the books - as you probably suspected, I already have the 1870 volume, but if I was lucky enough to get my name drawn in the price race, that Austerlitz book looks particularly interesting and so does the copy of Flint & Steel.

    3. The loss of Martin in the final kms of Thursday's race was heart breaking. The teams rallying around him to bring their wounded comrade home was heart warming.

  24. Congrats to your achievement! :) I would like to enter this contest!
    My preferences are:
    1) The Lead Pile
    2) Wargaming Compendium
    3) Ancient and Medieval Wargaming
    I wish luck to all of the contestants :)

    1. Thank you for the compliment and thank you for joining!

      You are entered into the contest. I like that you chose The Lead Pile. I hope it holds something of interest.

      Good luck!

  25. Congratulations on achieving that milestone Jonathan. It's been an interesting ride.

    My preference would be.
    1. One hour wargames
    2. Maida
    3. Naseby 1645

  26. You are great to get to this milestone!
    Good luck to everyone!
    My preference would be:
    1. Ancient and Medieval Wargaming
    2. Wargaming Compendium
    But based on the gorgeous minis on your site, the lead pile would be just as interesting as these books :)
    Thank you for the giveaway, keep up the good work!
