
Saturday, April 25, 2015

Staining the White Menace

As I pulled the Napoleonics figures from their storage boxes for the first time in many years to prepare for the Battle of Raab replay, I noticed the Old Glory 15s looked a little shabby.  Many of the figures were painted several decades ago and could use a refresh.  With a large number of figures, desire to pull the figures from their bases and repaint was lacking.  My solution was to give them all a swab with Minwax stain.  That should be quick and easy.

Even bypassing the Austrians already deployed for the game, the balance of the white coated Austrians still remaining in their storage boxes summed to a large chunk of work (this, just for addressing the Austrians uniformed in white).  All of the Austrian cavalry, artillery, and miscellaneous other Austrians troops would be bypassed this time.  By my count, the activity would include dipping 576 figures.
The 48 stands of infantry were given the treatment before I departed for the work week but I ran out of time to snap photos before I left.  Back home once again, time to pick up where I left off. 

As seen from the photo below, many of the figures are of the older, Old Glory, Dave Alsop sculpted figures.  I always enjoyed Alsop's sculpting style even though they stand in smaller than today's more popular 18mm figures. 
Something about Alsop's figures simply emote a certain charm for me.  Even though the photos may not show the distinction between white jacket and white webbing, the stain does lend depth and shadow to the recesses in the figure.  To me, this is an improvement in the overall mass effect without repainting nearly 600 figures.
The Austrians already mustered for the game and the remaining non-white coats may get the Minwax treatment following the conclusion of the game.

Ah, good to be back at the painting table!


  1. Your Austrians look great!... I just hope they will not receive any red stains or brown stains for that matter :o) during the battle at Raab replay! :o)

    1. These Austrians will not be affected by game splattering red or brown. This mighty 600 will be safely tucked away in boxes.

  2. Your White menace is so impressive, excellent job!

  3. Nice to see so many great looking Napoleonics, Jonathan

  4. Replies
    1. Lined up like this, it is surprising how many stands of white coated Austrians I have.

  5. Very impressive overall result - I really like the warmth added to the white color by the stain. When enjoying a massed visual effect like this, I think you've opted for a good compromise, avoiding a time consuming repaint of 600 minis!

    1. The stain does add warmth and staining is certainly a more efficient use of time than a repainting/rebasing exercise. That would be an exercise in frustration.

  6. You're a better man than I am Sir. I could never bring myself to do repaints.

  7. Good choice. They look great formed up like that.

  8. Looking good Jonathan. I've been re-vamping some of my older figures lately as well.


    1. Ah yes, if we are not painting, we are repainting.
      Best of luck in your project.

  9. A veritable blizzard of Austrians. I think your decision to stain them was wise - kicked them up a notch for a relatively small time investment

  10. Blimey, that's a veritable host of kaiserlichs. I'm not sure I would have had the nerve to stain all those chaps, but I think the result was worth it.
    You're a braver man than I am, and far more industrious.
