
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

15mm French for the 1859 Campaign

A second French regiment of 3 x 12 battalions march off the painting desk.  Like their comrades mustering out earlier this month, these lads are Lancashire Games' figures and flagged as the 96th Line.
Being egalitarian, all French line regiments look the same.  No regimental colored trim to distinguish one regiment from the other.  The only differentiating item is their regimental flag. 
As before, I am very pleased with the Lancashire Games' range of 19th Century figures.  More are in the painting queue.  In fact, a triplet of Lancashire Games' figures are on the painting table now.  Two units are assembled for the 1859 project and one French heavy cavalry unit for the 1799 project.


  1. A cheer for Napoleon the little, mon enfants!

    Lovely troops, Jon.

  2. 15mm does have its advantages on 28's when you want to field large and impressive units, or big portions of a battlefiled without spending months at the painting desk. Plus, Lancashire seems to offer some really good sculpts too, I fully understand your enthusiasm for these minis!

    1. Right you are regarding figure size and battle scale. I do enjoy 15mm armies for the larger actions.

      The Lancashire range is really growing on me. I am working on the first cavalry from them and am quite pleased with the sculpting.

  3. "Ils sont très jolis" Jonathan!

  4. Nice and solid work, Jonathan!

  5. They look excellent, I like how you've painted the red, it really stands out.

    1. Thank you, Ray! With a flash, the red may appear bit brighter than it does in natural light but the French uniform is eye-catching no matter.
