
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Refitting of the 2nd Legere

As mentioned in a previous post, I decided to swap out the shako clad elites of the 2nd Legere with suitable voltigeurs in colpack and carabiniers in bearskin. 
Before - Elites in shako
After - Elites in more dashing headgear
The four surplus French lights will be repurposed into another French legere battalion as chasseurs.

In that same post, Gonsalvo requested a rear shot of the recently fielded 4th Legere.
Peter, here it is.
Of course, French opposition should rarely get a glimpse of these Frenchmen from this vantage point.


  1. They look the business Jonathan,
    I hope one day to have a few battalions of legere in my own collection, nice inspiration!

    1. Thanks Paul! When you turn to building a French legere force, i am sure they will be beautiful.

  2. have some spare Perry Hussar heads with those - might have to put 'em on some light infantry someday :)!

    1. Wow, not sure why half my post is missing, but I had said how nice your upgrade to the unit was.

  3. Ah, yes. Much snazzier with bearskins and colpacks! While the basic Legere uniform is relatively muted, at least through 1809, the addition of light cavalry styles, Colpacks, Bearskins, and the like can make them look like the elite troops they knew themselves to be! :-)

    The Legere Voltigeurs are especially fun as they can have all kinds of variations of yellow red, and/or green for their plumes, cords, epaulets, sword knots and the like... not to mention the deliciously over the top Colpacks!

    Tanks for the rear view; No we weren't about to attempt a "Maneuvre sur les Derrieres"; I wanted to see how you'd handled the turnbacks and also the bags on the Colpacks. Excellent!

    I have seven units of Legere (and 28 of Ligne); I'm thinking I need another "Division" of 4 more Ligne and another Legere! :-)

    1. The solid green plumage of the 2nd is a little boring compared to the colorful variety presented by other regiments. The colpack bags do lend some color.

      Four more French battalions, Peter? I say go for it!

    2. Five... but who's counting? :-)

  4. Beautiful unit Jonathan, I've struggled to find any producer making these troops with the knee-high boots like above. The bearskin version just gives them that last "knötel" feeling, very nice indeed!

    1. Thank you, Soren! Knotel was very good about depicting the French decked out in all of their regalia, was he not?

  5. Lovely! Really like them Jonathan!

  6. These look great, love the bonnets ;-)


    1. Thanks, Ian. The fur "bonnets" do set the unit off.

  7. Nice paint job Jonathan, and nice looking bases as well...

  8. Terrific makeover on a storied unit, Jonathan. Very very swanky.

  9. Perhaps we're only seeing their backs because they're rushing to beer call?
