
Sunday, March 29, 2015

60th Rifle Battalion - 28mm Elite Miniatures

The British fight in the Peninsula receives one more reinforcement.  This time, one battalion of the 60th Rifles makes its way off from the painting desk.
The parent battalion of twelve riflemen and two detached skirmishers comprise the rifle battalion.  Figures are easily spotted as Elite Miniatures.  
 Also mustering out with the rifle battalion is a mounted officer.
What began as a desire to focus some painting attention onto the 28mm Napoleonic project for the month of February carried over to consuming March painting efforts as well.  In the final tally, 102 foot and 33 horse spread among ten units crossed over from 28mm Napoleonic, unpainted The Lead Pile to join their painted brethren.

Sending units off the painting desk one at a time, it is easy to lose track of the project's growth spurt.  I should gather these ten units together for a group photo.  


  1. Lovely Brits, Jonathan! I think it's time for a Napoleonics battle so you can see how your new troops fare.

    One day, I must circle back to this. Next to my PC is the massive "Peninsular War Atlas." A fellow could spend a lifetime painting and playing just the engagements on this front.

    1. Thanks, Monty! I have a Napoleonic battle on the table now but in 15mm not 28mm. I should get these new, 28mm recruits into a battle soon, though.

      I would love seeing you dabble in 28mm Napoleonics. I bet the results would be grand. Lipscombe's Atlas is a good resource.

    2. My buddy just bought Blucher so I think I'll get a bit of Napoleonics going this year. Once again, if I lived in the neighborhood, you could count me in!

  2. Handsome Rifelmen; very smartly done, Sir!e

    1. Thanks!

      Your recent work on this regiment prompted me to field one too.

    2. They are a bit of a change up from the usual 95th!

  3. Nice job on these riflemen, always useful on a table!

  4. Great effort on your 28mm Napoleonics Jonathan! This latest addition is one that also really signals Peninsular Campaign to me. Looking forward to the group photo for a full overview of the last two months labour at the painting table.

    1. I look forward to gather the new recruits together for a group photo too. Time passes so quickly and figures amass silently in their container boxes. It is easy to lose sight of accomplishments.

  5. Looking good Jonathan! You must have enormous storage space!


    1. Thanks, Christopher!

      A large house does have some advantages.

  6. It is good to see the 60th gracing the wargames table, slightly more colourful than the 95th!

    1. True! The 60th is slightly more colorful than the 95th.

  7. You should indeed do a group shot. That would be a glorious thing. These look very nice.
