
Friday, March 13, 2015

2nd KGL Heavy Dragoons in 28mm

Another cavalry unit trots off from the painting desk as the assault against the 28mm Napoleonic inventory continues.

These eight horsemen muster out as two squadrons of the 2nd KGL Heavy Dragoon Regiment.  Figures are Front Rank.

The 2nd HD join the existing KGL contingent consisting of the 1st KGL Heavy Dragoon Regiment, 1st KGL Hussar Regiment, 1st KGL Light Infantry Battalion, one section of Sympher's guns, and the 5th and 7th KGL Infantry Regiments.  Quite a growing force.

On the painting desk are (surprise) more 28mm Napoleonics.  Mustering out soon will be at least two more battalions of infantry.  While I have enjoyed the focus on 28mm Napoleonics, I am ready to switch gears and move on to other periods.  What will follow Napoleonics?


  1. Excellent looking Cavalry, Jonathan. I feel a group shot is needed??

    1. Ray, that is a good idea! I planned to provide a group photo of the FEB-MAR Napoleonic painting blitz but showing a group shot of the project's KGL contingent would be interesting too.

  2. Magnificent unit Jonathan - could you be shifting to not only a new period but also another scale?

    1. Thank you, Soren!

      Still feeling a little mired in 28mm Napoleonics at the moment so have not come to grips with what to press on with next. So many periods (and scales) and not enough time!

  3. Great looking cavalry Jonathan, nice job!

    1. Thank you, Phil!

      Following your excellent FPW BatReps have me leaning towards my 1859 project next.

  4. Very nice - I'll be doing some redcoat cavalry too in the near future so these are a great inspiration.

    1. Thanks, Andras! Happy to provide inspiration on whatever you are tackling.

  5. Great looking unit. The contribution of the KGL is often overlooked. As for the shift following your Napoleonic barrage, who knows? You have a multitude of places to go. I vote for Italian Wars, though.

    1. Thank you, Peter! We both seem to be cranking out Napoleonics at the moment but for different theaters and campaigns.

      Quite right, the role of the KGL in the Peninsular War is often overlooked or downplayed by the puppet masters.

      As for next period to address, I knew you would be rooting for the Great Italian Wars. That one has much competition but is certainly high in the rankings!

  6. Replies
    1. Appreciate that, Christopher!

      Hope you are making progress on your basing decisions.

  7. Great looking heavy cav - it's always cool to see the troops as they would've actually appeared for battle. In this case the blue blanket rolls forward on the saddle adds to the color of the uniform-proper.

    1. Thank you, Dean!

      The Minwax stain certainly adds to their worn hard and put away wet look, does it not?

  8. Replies
    1. Rodger, thanks for the comment! Now, I need to get some of these new recruits into a game.
