
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

State of the Game Room

Sometimes, the game room reaches a state of chaos.  Today is one such time.  Rather than a surface for gaming, the table, at present, is in a state of disarray and has become more of a staging area for various projects.  Multiple projects are strewn about with seemingly little order.

In the far back left of the photo is my painting desk tucked away in the corner not taking up much space.  Under the table and on shelves on the outer edge of the room are stacks of boxes containing the painted collections.

Before thoughts of another "home" game are entertained, I must get this space back under control.


  1. Replies
    1. I suppose you may be correct! Being out of town this week at least I know it won't get worse.

  2. Replies
    1. Shelving would be better for displaying the miniatures but presents a problem of its own.

  3. As Mikko stated, looks pretty organized as it is. And as FMB suggests, some shelving. I have some of those white plastic coated wire shelves in my computer/guest room, where I store my gaming stuff. Admittedly far less than you have, Jonathan. The shelving starts at about eye-level and on up. The shelves allow light to pass through where stuff isn't occupying it, so keeps the room fairly bright. Otherwise, great looking game room with a lot of toys!

    1. Thanks for the suggestion, Dean. The photo only shows a small fraction of the toys...

  4. Nothing is more de-stressing than when everything is in the right place. On the other hand, if they are not...:0) But you're getting A+ for all the storage boxes and a cosy looking wargaming room!

    1. Thanks for good grade, Soren. I appreciate that!

      A 12' x 6' gaming table makes most gaming rooms look cozy. Still, there is plenty of room to maneuver around the table plus a nook for painting.

  5. Your state of distress looks like my space post-organization...

    1. I guess disarray is a relative measurement. One man's disarray...

  6. Jonathan,

    Your "war room mess" is pristine compared to the current state of mine. Why look, you can even see most of the top of your game table.

    Mine, sad to say, is in a much much worse state right now. Even the very few "clear spaces" are currently covered with newspaper (as painting protection) . . . and much of the table has things stacked upon the layers underneath.

    Your room looks great; and in a very manageable condition, sir.

    -- Jeff

    1. Thanks for the encouragement, Jeff! You should show us YOUR game room.

    2. Just saw your game table photos. Clearly YOU win for more cluttered table!

  7. I would say it looks organized to me with just the table needing some clearing up and put on some shelves perhaps.


    1. You are right. it is not really that bad, is it?
      Out of town for work this week, I did not get a chance to finish up my hobby work before leaving. While I often leave a game set up for weeks (or months) at a stretch, leaving in work projects on the table is somehow different.

  8. Looks pretty ordered compared to mine! Love those game boards.

    1. Thanks, Aaron. Good to see you dropping by for a visit!

  9. I must agree - I have a 20 foot by 6 foot table in my (unfinished) basement. Storage for most items is fairly well controlled (a LOT of shelves), but keeping more than 12 feet of the table cleared off for gaming is a constant challenge. Fortunately, I seldom NEED more than 12 feet, but still.

    I need still more shelves, I think... :-)

    1. Geesh, Peter! 20 x 6? Mine is 12'x6' and I cannot imagine adding another 8 feet to the game area. That is a monstrous table.

    2. The basis is two ping pong tables end to end with a 1 foot bridge (necessary due to a column inconveniently placed that holds up the house), with a multipart, heavy "brute force design" tabletop laid across it composed of frames of 2x4's with 3/4" plywood as the surface. Heavy!!!

  10. Hi Jonathan, I feel your pain. I had my room sort out in January, to get the Oporto table moved so I could start the new year. My problem was where to store my old terrain. The solution was to get a skip hired and then filled with stuff stored in the loft. I now have loads of space for excess books and terrain and the room is back under control.

    It's a very liberating feeling.

    1. Hi Jonathan, storing big terrain pieces is a problem. Fortunately, I have a storage room just off of the game room room where the larger terrain pieces can be stored for safe-keeping.

  11. That's a rather nice set-up you've got there Jonathan! Now get on and tidy it up!

    1. It is a good space, for sure. Tidying the place up is one of my goals for the weekend.

  12. one has to be careful with their legs while sitting near the table, one nasty kick and all of your figure boxes under the table will scream! :o)

    1. True but the boxes are tucked under just enough to avoid such abuse.
