
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

10th Chasseurs a Cheval

A fourth unit of 28mm Napoleonics passes off from the painting desk in February.  This time, we see two squadrons (eight troopers) of the French 10th Chasseurs a Cheval Regiment.  Figures are Front Rank.  Having minimal lace and cords, these practical chasseurs make for a relaxing project.   

With four units completed in February thus far, I am beginning to see a little, noticeable  progress on The Lead Pile with respect to 28mm Napoleonic stockpiles.  Before my self-imposed challenge expires, I may finish one or possibly two more units.

Turning back to the painting desk, in work is an 18 figure British battalion of foot.  The figures are, again, Front Rank but this time composed of Front Rank's latest models found in the Reinforcement packs.  Gorgeous figures and now my favorite 28mm Napoleonics.  With all of the lace and webbing, these will take a bit longer than anticipated to complete.  

One revelation from this exercise is that additional figures will be needed to complete some of the partial units remaining.  Included in this discovery, a few of the Front Rank horses are the wrong type for the accompanying rider.  When buying second hand unpainted lead, one much ensure that the correct figures are included.  That will need addressing too.


  1. Nice job on these chasseurs Jonathan (love the trumpet), and nice basement as well!

    1. Thanks, Phil. I get you a better photo of the basement.

  2. Great looking Chasseurs, Jonathan. Love the musician's blinged out uniform!

  3. Striking unit of Chasseurs - both horses and riders came out really well! Regarding second hand lead, I had the same problem a while back when buying a big ebay lot of Foundry Franco-Prussians. On a positive note, this will give you a fair excuse to stock up further lead now when your supremely productive February draws to an end...

    1. Very kind of you, Soren!

      I do not need much of an excuse to stock some lead but one is compelled to fill in the gaps, right?

      As for February output, I am typically away from home one week per month for work so what gets finished will be three weeks worth only. Maybe one more unit will cross over to the painted pile in February?

  4. Very handsome with their crimson facings. The simplicity of the later Chasseur uniforms has an elegance all its own. The very first unit I ever painted was the yellow faced 4th Chasseurs - Scruby figures, but with white/silver braid painted onto their Dolmans.

    1. The trumpeter all bedecked in crimson is a sharp dressed man. The French chasseur a cheval is smart, practical, and simply elegant, for sure. I have the 5th CaC in yellow facings and dolman from the early period from Brigade Games. The yellow and green combination is a handsome one.

  5. These are great, I am a real fan of these troops so it's good to see them done so well

