
Monday, December 22, 2014

SYW Prussian 10th Musketeers Bn 2

Musketeer Regiment #10
All officers and rank and file of the Prussian 10th Musketeer Regiment are present and under arms.  Like all Prussian musketeer regiments in the project, each regiment is composed of two, 23 figure musketeer battalions and one, 8 figure grenadier stand of two companies.  The 10th is recognized by its distinctive lemon yellow facing, small clothes, and breeches.
Musketeer Regiment #10
To complete the 10th, the second battalion marches off from the painting desk to join its sister regimental components.  Figures are Blue Moon Miniatures.
Musketeer Regiment #10 Bn 2
Musketeer Regiment #10 Bn 2
With year-end rapidly closing in, perhaps time remains for one or two more units to muster off from the painting desk.  Of course, vying for painting time are holiday activities, two group games, and a continuation of my solo Chadd's Ford game.

What next on the painting desk? two battalions of Austrian line infantry for the 1859 project.  These Austrians are the first dip into my recently acquired Lancashire Games figures.  


  1. what stunning looking figures and the yellow contrast mixes/blends well with the Prussian blue and white/silver laces etc..
    anyway.. thanks for sharing your Awesome work/AAR etc. during 2014...looking forward to 2015 Jonathan!

  2. IR10, one of my favorite regiments to paint! Well done!

  3. Beautiful, Jon. Some of your best figures yet! How do you like Blue Moon for SYW? To my untutored eye, they look really good.

    1. Thanks, Scott! The Blue Moon figures are good with my main complaint being the sculpting of the faces. Some are not so good. Remember how ugly the Eureka Russian SYW Russian faces were? It is a close race...

  4. Great job, the mass effect is awesome!

  5. You've done a heck of a job on these Jonathan, a great result for 18's! The sheer size of the unit is just impressive, and like Phil said, the color scheme works very well with the grenadiers creating a spark in the unit. It's quite a collection you've build for the SYW (one of my personal favorites when reading history as a teenager, fascinated by the mythos of Frederic) - what was it that caught your imagination for this period ?

    1. Thank you, Soren!

      You ask a very good question regarding my initial interest in SYW. Like you, my SYW interest was sparked about 40 years ago in a series of articles, battle reports, etc., in Wargamer's Digest from the mid-1970s. I remember vividly the discussions of Frederick's oblique maneuvers ans the illustrations of Prussian hussar "flower pot" headgear.

      Did you have access to this US publication in Sweden?

      I still have those magazines!

    2. I agree, the tactics of Frederick redefined an era, and opened the door for the likes of Napoleon. Haven't seen the magazine you mention but it sounds interesting, if there are any good articles on the SYW in particular I'd love to read an example. I have some great SYW uniform plates from Kannick's uniform book, which I'd be happy to e-mail.
      Get in touch on:

    3. Soren , I will look for that article that first sparked my interest and send it on.

  6. Your SYW Prussians are wonderful, my compliments.
    best Regards

  7. Great looking Prussians, Jonathan. As Phil said, they do look impressive en masse.

    1. Thanks, Dean! It is a wonderful sight to have the entire SYW collection out on the table.

  8. My dear sir, you are one of the most prolific and talented chaps I know in the hobby. I quite like this regiment, and expect it will acquit itself well.
    I am going to start some Foundry 28mm Prussians in the new year - what colour do you use for the blue coats? The Prussian blue mystifies me, not really sure what to call it.
    Again, very fine work. Wishing you and yours a happy and joyous holidays.

    1. Michael! Very kind words, indeed! I am always so grateful to receive such support from everyone!

      For the Prussians, I typically use Navy blue. Any darker on the 15s and it looks almost black. In the photo with flash, the coat looks more blue than it does on the gaming table. I use primarily Delta Ceramcoat and that line has a Prussian Blue that is very dark to my eye. I use it but prefer the Navy for the 15mm SYW Prussians.

      My 28mm AWI Hessians sport a Navy Blue coat. I have unpainted Fife & Drum Prussians. Perhaps, I should try one coat in each color?

      Happy holidays to you, Michael!

  9. Great looking Preußischen Infanterie! There is a wonderful variety of uniforms in the Prussian Army of Friedrich der Große, isn't there?

    1. Thanks, Peter, and you are quite right about variety of Prussian uniforms! Have you seen the uniform books of Dorn and Engelmann? Exquisite!

    2. No, thanks for the tip. One step closer to Tricorns in the future! :-)

  10. A brilliant finish for the year's end! You've blown the doors off of 2014 with more posts and painting than ever before. I don't know how you manage but it is fun to follow along.

    Have a wonderful holiday, Jonathan and here's looking forward to 2015.

    1. Monty! I always appreciate your continued encouragements. The year has not yet closed and I have one or two more tasks to (hopefully) complete before writing off 2014.

      Having you follow along and contribute is very much an honor to me. Good friends, like yourself, make our hobby chronicling that much more enjoyable.

      Merry Christmas to you, Monty!
