
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Reconquista Heavy Cavalry

Since the Reconquista project has not seen action on the painting desk since mid summer, time to give it a little attention.  To that end, two, five figure Impetvs stands of cavalry make their way off from the painting desk.  These heavy horse may be fielded on the gaming table within either the Christian or Moorish armies.  BTD cavalry are large and heavy.  With five such figures on one stand, when picked up to move, something wicked this way comes! 
Joining the cavalry is one four-figure stand of Christian archers based for skirmishing.  In Impetvs, archers may be based as either skirmishers or more densely packed missile troops.  With only four archers primed, I opted for a quick turn-around and chose to field these as skirmishers.  Archers are BTD too.
BTD USA is finishing up a Black Friday sale that spanned the long, holiday weekend.  Although an ever changing mix of SKUs cycled through the 50% discount offering, I managed to snag several packs from the Trojan War range that happened to be on discount at one time.  Perhaps one day, I will dive into a Trojan War project?



  1. Great comeback to a interesting project! Using Impetus, how many units per side would you say make the standard for a good game? I'm asking simply because I'm trying to compare to our current Hail Caesar format, where we'd have about 8 units per side, and that would give us about 2-3 hrs of gaming on a standard 4 x 6 feet table.

    1. Basic Impetvs uses 10 element forces and we find that number of units makes for a very good game. I think 10-12 units would be perfect for a 2-3 hour game.

  2. Wonderful painting, Jonathan! Knights in Impetus with all their impetus dice...something wicked this way comes, indeed!

    Now I must go back and read how to find a sale at BTD. I've tried before your post and gave up in frustration. Try, try again?

    1. Thanks, Monty!

      These heavies can be devastating in a game if they have not taken any hits before contact. Mine never seem to reach the enemy line in that condition, however...

  3. Great looking force, Jonathan. You know I'm also a fan of BTD's sales :) BTW, I have some of their Trojan War figs - archers - they are very nice and actually fit in well with the Redoubt and Foundry I also have. A bit larger, but so are real folks. Best, Dean

    1. Thanks, Dean! Who doesn't enjoy a sale?

      I agree that the BTD Trojan War figures are very nice. So far, only one of the BTD chariots has made it across my painting desk.

      Great tip on the compatibility of BTD with Foundry. My eye has been on the Foundry line recently.

  4. They are lovely Jonathan, chain mail came out really well.

  5. lovely brush work you have here on your figures Jon, basing looks good as well...

  6. 5 man stands of large 28mm metal cavalry gives a whole new meaning to "Heavy" Cavalry. Good stuff!

  7. The shields are so bright and simple, and yet, to my mind, infinitely preferable to shield transfers. Much to like with this determined looking bunch of horsemen, and the archers look doughty fellows. Bravo.
