
Sunday, December 14, 2014

Celtic/Gallic War Band

With the prospect of a Punic Wars game over the Christmas holiday, painting attention turned towards fielding one more unit.  "Painting attention."  That must be an oxymoron when painting on a single project rarely exhibits any semblance of focus.

Nevertheless, off the painting desk today is a twelve figure, Black Tree Design unit of Celtic or Gallic warriors based for Impetvs.  These warriors may appear in either the Carthaginian or Roman army lists and can see service as either FP or FL warriors.  Quite a flexible and useful addition, no?  Being Impetuous, it will be interesting to see how they fare on the gaming table.

This is my first unit of Celts and no uniformity exists within these ranks.  The assorted garb, arms, armor, and colors adds to the motley, mob look.  Looks like a war band to me.  

I should field another!


  1. They look great and very very "warbandish". So yes, you should paint more of them.

    -- Jeff

  2. Great job. Really good looking force.

  3. This is my favorite unit of your Punic Wars project! Stand out of the way when they charge the Romans impetuously.

    1. Favorite? That is terrific! To me, they are all like children; tough to pick a favorite!

  4. Great work, especially on the chap in the minidress. Painting stripes and checks can be frustrating to say the least, so well done there.

    1. Thanks, Nate! Painting checks and stripes is no fun at all. Frustrating? You nailed the emotion!

      Minidress? That is a good one! I suppose even Gauls want to look their best when going into battle.

  5. Excellent, great looking the paint job on the clothes....

  6. No Punic War game without the Celts, and these are a fine example - conclusion: YES, you should field another :0)
    Good choice on the colors, the mix and the shields really add that Gallic look to the unit.

    1. Thank you, Soren! This was a different painting experience from other Punic War adversaries. Not sure I could paint hundreds of the guys. I will probably try, though...

  7. Great figures and brush work Jonathan! :o) I see a bit of Scott MacPhee, your fellow wargame buddy, painting influence on your Celts? :o)


    1. High praise, Phil! While my brush cannot channel Scott, some of his influence is bound to stick occasionally.

    2. I'm one of his admirers, love his painting skills and yours too! :o)

  8. Great looking BTD warriors, Jonathan. They look suitably colorful and menacing!

    1. Thanks, Dean! I always appreciate your continued support.

  9. They came out great. The guy in the chartreuse colored pants with lime green stripes and ink on the chest looks like he might have come from a present day college campus, minus the arms and shield, LOL!

    Yes, you definitely need more Celts. I painted about 60 of them 5 years ago, and have yet to get the will up to add proper stripes and checks to their attire! :-)

    1. Hi Peter!

      Regarding my Celt with the crazy pants and tats, the more things change, the more things stay the same, right?

      Fashion and what is "hip" is cyclical, for sure. I had not stopped to ponder that the Celts might have been the inspiration for the wild hair, clothes, and tattoo craze we see on today's streets.
