
Monday, November 17, 2014

SAW U.S. Dismounted Cavalry

Another batch of US troops for the SAW project muster out from the painting desk.  This release, 19 dismounted U.S. cavalry troopers hit the ground.  Fifteen of the figures will make up one unit while the four, singly based prone figures will be employed as prone markers.

At first, I was disappointed with four prone figures in the 30 figure pack.  None of the other American packs contained any prone figures.  After a few minutes of thought, the notion of using these as prone markers rather than figures integral to the formed unit surfaced. That solves the problem of how to employ these prone figures but creates another.  I will need prone figures for the other American units and the Spanish.  Lucky for me, the U.S. Infantry Skirmishing pack and both Spanish skirmishing packs contain prone figures.  I will need to send a special request for prone figures to Old Glory.  I he past Old Glory has been very good at accommodating special requests.  Once I ordered enough 10mm artillery limbers only to use up all of the surplus horse teams that are supplied in the limber packs.  

As with the other U.S. figures in Old Glory's Spanish-American War range, sculpting quality is excellent.  Only a few "Hey Steve" poses are present.  What an enjoyable period and range of figures to paint.  I really like how the Americans are turning out.


  1. now...these figures really look nice...lovely painting and basing well done Jon!

    1. Thanks! I have really been enjoying painting the SAW Americans and they are turning out nicely. I think i may have 75 of these guys painted now.

  2. Great looking troops, Jonathan. The blue uniforms really set off the khaki gaiters and campaign hat.

    1. Thank you, Dean! The american uniform is simple and functional. I like them!

  3. Wow, these really came out nicely, Jon. For some reason, your basing, which is always nice, looks especially good with these troops as well.

    Great job!

  4. These are excellent, Jonathan. I'm still surprised by how little the US cavalry uniform changed from the ACW to the SAW.

    1. Thank you, Monty! The uniforms did not change much at all, did they? It was a practical uniform and worked well in various climates although the jacket was rarely seen in Cuba.
