
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Garibaldini in 15mm

One small addition to the 1859 Risorgimento project makes it way off from the painting desk.  This twelve figure battalion will be fielded as the 1st Battalion, 2nd Regiment or Cacciatori delle Alpi or Garibaldini.  Each of the alpine regiments fielded two battalions and were part of Garibaldi's famous Red Shirts.  With the mustering of the 2 Rgt/1 Bn, three such battalions can now make their appearance on the table.
At the Battle of Varese on  26MAY1859, three regiments or six battalions of the Garibaldini faced off against the Austrians under Urban.  The next day, another clash between these two forces occurred at the Battle of Fermo.

As the other battalions before it, these figures are Battle Honors' ACW figures pressed into service as Cacciatori delle Alpi.

The Lead Pile underwent a slight reorganization last night specifically focused on the 1859 project.  This activity not only included reorganizing the boxes of lead but also comparing the bits in boxes against the campaign OB.  While the campaign did not witness a preponderance of cavalry, I did discover that the project could use more cavalry.  Especially lacking are Austrian Uhlans.  Of course, I have not begun to consider the French, yet!

Now, I am not particularly fond of Old Glory's cavalry for this period and many of the Austrian horsemen appear in the later 1866 uniforms so more Old Glory horse is unlikely.  The Mirliton cavalry are quite nice and large while the Freikorps are smaller but still satisfactory.  Based on a suggestion from another gamer, I may look into both Rank & File and Essex.

Another vendor of which I have seen no figures, is Lancashire Games.  Lancashire offers a range for the 1859 campaign and I placed a small order to sample their wares.  My order was shipped the day after ordering so the small package should be in my hands in about one week.  Very quick turn-around and very friendly and helpful communications from the owner.  Always exciting to receive figures from a new manufacturer, is it not?  To me, certainly!

Digging through The Lead Pile prompted me to pull more figures for this project and queue them up.  Besides a handful of artillery limbers, only a few foot battalions were added thus far in 2014.  With this rummage through the lead, I feel motivated to return to the project.  Opportunity knocks.  Two battalions of Austrian infantry and three more Austrian limbers and teams are awaiting their turn at priming.  With weather turning cold, I ought to begin thinking about laying in the primed lead for the winter.  Cavalry should be in the queue too.


  1. A great uniform and a great paint job Jonathan...

  2. Excellent looking troops, Jonathan; nice conversion of ACW figs.

    1. Thank you, Dean. This ACW uniform was about as close as I could find. For me, they will do!

  3. These look great Jonathan, wonderful colors with the red and green of the base!

    1. Thank you, Soren! Hope your recent gaming trip was an enjoyable outing.

  4. Great brushwork, Jonathan! I love the Red Shirts. Would these fellows be treated as superior or elite status?

    1. Thanks, Monty! These red-shirted lads will stand out on the battlefield, for sure. For the game table, these alpine troops get a effectiveness one grade better than line troops but maintain the benefits of light when operating in rough terrain.

      I say they would be highly motivated and better than average effectiveness.

  5. marvelous painting Jon, the red contrast make the figures stand out from their bases and dare I say, perhaps easy targets from long range small arms and artillery fire... ;o)

    1. Thank you, Phil! Their red shirts would make inviting targets, I think.
