
Friday, November 7, 2014

French 2nd Legere in 28mm

Another 28mm Napoleonic battalion rolls off the assembly line.  This time, the 2nd Battalion of 2nd French Legere Regiment marches from the painting desk into cantonment.  French light battalions are sixteen figures strong with two detached skirmishers.  The skirmishers were out skirmishing and missed the photo op.  Figures are Front Rank.
The 2nd saw action throughout the Peninsular War with a war record showing participation in battles of Vimeiro, Rio-Seco, Corunna, Oporto, Busaco, Sabugal, Salamanca, and Vittoria.  There boys in blue from the 2nd Legere were busy lads and will be able to legitimately see action throughout my campaigning on the peninsula.  

Unlike the already fielded 1st battalion, I put the 2nd Battalion's elites in bearskin for the carabiniers and colpacks for the voltigeurs.  The yellow colpack bag looks good against the blue of the jacket and red with yellow crescent epaulettes.  Perhaps I should paint carabiniers in bearskin and voltigeurs in colpack for the 1st Battalion and swap them out?

 Final photo shows the two battalions of the 2nd Legere together on parade.
Enough Front Rank legere remain in The Lead Pile to field two more battalions but I will keep them in reserve for now.


  1. gosh.. Jonathan...these look that french blue color along with red, green white and black make the figures and/or unit look stunning!....

    1. Phil! I appreciate your very kind critique. The color combination does look good on the table.

  2. I have always been fond of the French Legere uniform, and these look the treat. I think it is best to keep the colpacks and/or bearskins limited to select units so as to make them special, but I do love how they look.

    These chaps *know* they are elite troops, no matter what some will say about just being run of the mill infantry in a different uniform. :-)

    1. Thanks, Peter. The legere uniform is elegant isn't it? The piping on the lapels, cuffs, and turnbacks really set the dark blue off.

      Being a New Englander, if you had a handful of elites in bearskin and colpack, would you not paint them and press them into service? I think so!

    2. Oh, for sure - if I have the figures, they will be used! :-)

  3. Very nice, Jon. Front Rank are always a treat to paint, aren't they?

    1. Thanks, Scott! Yes, the Front Rank are a joy to paint. I am looking forward to getting some of the new Reinforcement Packs into the painting queue. They look even better!

  4. What a beautiful unit Jonathan, amazing paint job!

  5. Beautiful unit Jonathan! I was looking for those light troops with the bearskin hat at Perry's site, but it seems they don't do them, at least not with those boots cut just under the knee. Might have to get me a few of those Front Rank minis for the job of adding a similar unit to my collection.

    1. Thank you, Soren! You will not be disappointed with Front Rank but how well will they fit in with your Perrys? That is a good question.

  6. Thanks, Andrew! Good to see you stopping by for a visit.

  7. Great looking unit Jonathan! Front Rank figures are a real pleasure to paint.


    1. Christopher, Front Rank are definitely some of the best figures to paint.

  8. Fabulous work on these Legere, in half-gaiters no less - one of my favorite uniforms.

    1. Thank you, Dean! The French legere uniform is a handsome one in an elegant way. The color variety in the epaulettes and plumes really make the lights stand out.
