
Sunday, November 2, 2014

British Rifles from Elite Miniatures

One more battalion to add to the 28mm Napoleonic Project.  This time, a battalion of Elite Miniatures' British Rifles.  The 95th musters out with 12 figures deployed in open order with two separate skirmisher markers.  With the exception of the command, the riflemen are in one of three poses: firing, advancing at the ready, or advancing reaching for ammo.  As with other Elite figures, these evoke a caricature style with a fair bit of artistry in the sculpting.  I like them!

Enough spare Elite figures may remain to field one more 14 figure battalion but I will need to check.  Were these purchased in a lot of 24 or 30?  A mounted officer was also present in the bundle so he ought to make it into the painting queue too.  A mounted officer in riflemen kit would make a suitable Light Brigade commander or perhaps an ADC.   


  1. I like them too! Great sculpt and excellent paint job Jonathan!

  2. I like Elites Miniatures and are always great to paint, but, not to sure about the figures heads/eyes looking up at the sky/clouds though..anyway... as always Jon, great painting and basing... marvelous!

    1. Thank you, Phil!

      Spot on regarding the skyward looking Elites. I always thought they were looking up at me saying "Yes, Master!"

    2. "Yes, Master!"
      hehehe... not a good idea to drink coffee while reading your reply Jon, spill my hot beverage over my keyboard! :o) laughing...

  3. "Sharp" looking Riflemen, Jon.

    Good inspiration for me as I have 30 OG Rifles primed; One will be the 95th and the other the 5/60th (Royal American - Rifle Bn).

    1. Thanks, Peter!

      Glad to provide some inspiration. Maybe my remaining rifles figures should form up as the 5/60th same as yours? Now, the tables have turned and you provide inspiration to me!

  4. They look terrific, Jonathan. Grim-faced and ready to fight all comers. I had to laugh a little at the final pic, the officer looks like his singing along with the bugler. :)
    Looking forward to seeing them in a scrap soon.

    1. The officer DOES look like he is either singing or whistling! Good observation!
