
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

A&A Numidian Light Horse

After a return to painting a few Punic Wars figures in 6mm, the 28mm Punic Wars project received a little attention.  While the 6mm project was light on light infantry, the 28mm project is light on light cavalry!  To take a step in resolving this imbalance, two Impetvs light cavalry stands muster from the painting desk. 
Recently, I placed my first order with Armorum & Aquila Miniatures (A&A) for a couple dozen cavalry.  Included with the Numidians, shown in this post, were Spanish and Gallic cavalry.  With Renegade Miniatures out on hiatus (I do hope they return), I needed to source compatible cavalry.  Since most of my cavalry are Renegade, I really was hoping to find figures that would not look too out of place alongside the behemoth Renegade cavalry.

While the A&A cavalry are marketed as 28mm, they look quite diminutive next to the Renegade horse.  Perhaps, that is no problem since I imagine the Numidian light cavalry would be small and fast.  The A&A are a very good match to the 1st Corps Germans and Gallic cavalry I have.  They also compare favorably to the Aventine mounted officers in the collection.  The figures are really well sculpted and are a welcome addition to the project.  


  1. Stunning work Jonathan... great figures,painting,basing and photos...


  2. Excellent work, Jonathan! Do you get whiplash in jumping from 6mm to 28mm so quickly?

    In Impetus, these fine Numidians can ruin an opponent's day.

    1. Whiplash, no, but the move to 28s from 6s is much easier on the eyes!

      I do want to dive into Impetvs again soon.

  3. They look great Jonathan! I hope Impetus2 will see daylight next year.


    1. Thank you, Christopher!

      Do you know what will be amended in Impetvs 2? Incorporating the rules' clarifications only?

  4. Excellent brushwork as always, Jonathan. I used to have some A&A Macedonians - they were a bit too chunky next to Foundry so ended up selling them - wish I kept them now though as they were pretty cool. I like the A&A Late-Romans too.

    1. Thank,s Dean!

      The A&A figures are quite nice but small compared to Renegade. Do you have suggestions for cavalry that are on the larger end of the 28mm spectrum?

  5. Very nice figures and painting to match


  6. Really nice Jonathan, a great job for this famous cavalry!

  7. Nicely done Jonathan!
    I wish I had room for 28mm armies!

    1. Thanks, Paul! I wish you had room for 28s too. I would enjoy seeing you tackle the larger figures with your fine brushwork.

  8. Very fine work Jonathan- they look like they will strike hard and fast - I hope that chap in the closeup of the last photo (I love his face) is wearing underwear - looks uncomfortable!

    1. Thanks, Michael!

      Your comment about the warrior's facial expression is quite funny. Perhaps, his mount's back is a little too bony to be comfortable for a long, hard ride?

  9. Very fine Numidians, Jon. I will have to check out A&A, a manufacturer I never heard of before now. I have been looking tio add a few more Numidian cavalry to my collection, and have been surprised how many manufacturers ignore these famous horsemen in their ranges!

    1. They are nicely sculpted but are not as large as Renegade. As noted, they fit in well with 1st Corps and Aventine. Perhaps, Old Glory too?
