
Saturday, October 25, 2014

State of the Painting Desk

State of the Painting Desk is really just a random snapshot of the works in progress on the workbench.  Last month's snapshot featured Napoleonics with Elite infantry and Front Rank cavalry in work.  The October snapshot illustrates that the Napoleonic theme continues although other units have passed across the table in the interim.  More 28mm Napoleonics are seeing action at the paint station in today's photo.  Elite Miniatures and Front Rank are again featured with 14 Elite British rifles in the background and 16 Front Rank French legere in the middle.  In the fore are Battle Honors' ACW figures that will stand in for Garibaldi for the 1859 project.
A number of other figures have been prepped, stuck to golf tees, and awaiting their turn at the brush.  What else is coming up?  More French mortars for the Narvik project; heavy this time.  The 28mm Punic Wars project has a unit of African spear in queue and the SAW project soon will have American dismounted cavalry undergoing the brush.  Oh, I have a handful of old Minifig Native Americans to paint for the 15mm AWI project.

The 15mm AWI project has been dormant for a long time.  At one point, I figured the project was complete.  My problem is that a dose of AWI gaming has energized me to add a few more units to the project even if not needed for gaming.  While all of the Jeff Valent and Frontier figures are long gone, a few packets of Minifigs and Freikorps remain to be painted.  I am afraid LotF may see a return to painting German and British units in 28mm too.  Does it never end?  Woe is me...


  1. We need to see these AWI figures??

  2. Nice work on those Legere. Always impressed with your productivity and skill.

  3. Nice variety; Legere regiments are among my favorites!

    1. Variety, the spice of life, right? Or is it a madman's playground?

  4. Looks like my desk at the moment with several projects on the go which I generally don't like as I prefer to do things one unit at a time.


    1. I prefer one unit at a time too but sometimes chaos reigns.
