
Wednesday, October 15, 2014

French 36th Line Regiment in 28mm

Elite Miniatures produces a range of Napoleonics that many either like or not.  The figures have a hint of caricature but I really enjoy this style.  Even better, Elite figures with their somewhat exaggerated sculpting make for a figure that is easy to paint.  Looks great en masse too!  In which camp are you?  Like 'em or loathe 'em?

This French battalion musters out as the second battalion of the 36th Line Regiment and will join its sister battalion also of Elite Miniatures' origin.  The second battalion of the 36th is in campaign dress while Battalion #1 is outfitted in full dress.

The French officer will be used as a brigadier and has that distinctive Elite panache.

One more unit of Elite Miniatures remain in The Lead Pile.  What remains?  Enough figures for at least one battalion of British rifles remain to see the brush.  Those riflemen are at the painting desk now.    


  1. Beautifully done figures, Jonathan. They do indeed have loads of character. Everytime I see a post like this I get this insane craving to do Naps in 28mm, and then remind myself that I am committed to 6mm. I do enjoy seeing a good 28mm Nap fight live.

    1. Thank you, Michael!

      Elite do certainly have character. I enjoy painting them too although I prefer Front Rank for ease of painting.

      You have great discipline to resist the temptation of entering the 28mm Napoleonics Black Hole. But, of course, you have great control!

  2. Fantastic job Jonathan..."Bravo pour les gars du 36ème !"

    1. Thanks, Phil and I, too, cheer for the guys of the 36th!

  3. So the recent Spanish "chicken stew" got your inspiration and paint brushes aimed at the napoleoincs? Loads of élan and character in the unit - love the little details, like the rolled up flag! En avant! Looking forward to the riflemen.

    1. Am I that transparent? I guess so. Nothing motivates painting like a good game. Also, nothing motivates gaming like good painting!

      Thanks, Soren!

  4. lovely figures and painting...

    Mrs DBA :o)

    1. Thanks, Phil!

      If you are not more discrete, that moniker MAY stick!

  5. They look splendid Jonathan!

    Your mention of caricature reminds me of some Mikes Models I'm painting. Out of the bag, I wrinkled up my nose at the old school sculpting. But they are easy to paint and look quite nice. It's a reminder to not judge something before trying it.

    1. Thank you, Monty!

      I know what you mean regarding Old School figures. Sometimes, they paint up quite well and almost always make serviceable units. Often, they fight better than they look!

  6. They do indeed look great Jonathan!

