
Friday, October 10, 2014

Fall Project Planning

With work taking me out of town for the week and no time at the painting desk, thoughts turned towards project planning.  Of course, away from home for the week also means that the ongoing solo replay of Arroyo con Pollo is placed on hold until I return.  The next two turns in the replay have been completed and there have been interesting developments with the French attack on the British left.  I really must finish up that game so I can clear the table for the next game.

Speaking of the next game I host, Kevin has a few battalions of newly painted, Saxon infantry that he wants to get into a game. With Kevin and his brother both enjoying the first Battle of Arroyo con Pollo, he requested a follow-up game of Old Trousers in which his Saxons could see action.  Without my reference material, I cannot recall offhand in which Peninsular War battles the Saxons participated.  If they did not, I will make some substitutions to get them into the OB.  That game is scheduled for OCT 18th.  Details can be found on the Scheduled Games page.

Oh, yeah, project planning.  Project planning is a hazardous business since planning often leads to figure purchases.  For me, this planning exercise produced no exception to the rule.  Actually, the combination of project planning and being away for a week, with little to do in the evenings besides read and surf, adds even more combustible material to the smoldering desire to pick up some figures.  I did show great restraint in not visiting the local miniatures shop in Kirkland, The Panzer Depot.  Hooray, for me!  I think I will buy some figures to celebrate such great restraint! 

I have really enjoyed the recent work on 28mm Napoleonics.  With games on the table and figures marching off from the painting desk, the motivation to paint more Napoleonics for the project is high.  With that, a second order went in for more Front Rank figures.  With the turn-around speed of Front Rank, the figures will arrive home shortly after I do.  

This time the order contains a Reinforcement Set of British infantry marching in stovepipe shako.  I was very pleased with the recent arrival of the French in bicorne Reinforcement Set and these British reinforcements look even better!
British elites from
Reinforcement Set
Courtesy Front Rank
Accompanying the British foot will be British and French hussars, Vistula Legion infantry, and Wurttemberg infantry.  With the British contingents fielding British, KGL, and Portuguese, I look forward to bringing some French allies into the Peninsular War project.  
Although the weather has been spectacular with sun and mid-70's temperatures, planning for the short days of late fall and winter must begin.  With all of the projects being in a state of readiness for a game (well, all except the newly launched SAW project), the urgency for making a focused project painting push is absent.  Of course, painting will continue but expect more of an eclectic mix of periods and sizes.

For gaming, I would enjoy more Impetvs clashes with the Reconquista and Punic Wars projects.  Hopefully, added into the gaming mix will be Samurai Battles and the 1859 project.  As mentioned in the post on  09 OCT, I would enjoy giving Thomas' Wargaming 19th Century Europe a try.  Several projects have not seen daylight on the gaming table in far too long.  Those are the 30mm ECW, 15mm AWI, 15mm Napoleonics, and 10mm ACW projects.  Perhaps, at least one of those neglected projects will see action on the table this winter?

While away, a package arrived from Osprey Publishing containing a review copy of the soon to be released rules, Land of the Free.  My wife opened the package and I had to explain that, yes, it really was free.  Too bad Land of the Free did not arrive before my trip to Seattle.  I would have something else to while away my evenings. 
I know very little about the rules but they may be scalable with flexible basing.  If that is, indeed, true, then expect either the 25mm FIW or 15mm AWI projects to see some action in the review process.  Looking forward to a relaxing evening or two reading through the rules.  Maybe I can even wrangle Scott and his 28mm AWI collection to join forces with my Brits and Germans for a game? 


  1. Your future games sound very interesting, Jonathan. I am also a bit intrigued by this new set of rules, I just picked up Lion Rampant, so maybe this will be another Osprey winner?

    1. Dean, I will read through them and give them a try. I promised a review so you will see one eventually.

  2. That looks like an impressive project list, but based on what I've seen so far from you I think you will manage without a hitch! The AWI supplement does look intriguing and the Impetus games I'm looking forward to reading. I wish Lorenzo would hurry up and finish Impetus2.


    1. Impetus 2? interesting, must keep an eye out on this new updated ver. rules set?

    2. Phil it won't be released until sometime 2015 at the earliest.
      However there is a new cool kid on the block called "Sword and Spear" that looks interesting.


    3. I look forward to more Impetvs games too. I have really enjoyed those games and it has been far too long since the last one.

    4. Christopher, have you given Swords and Spears a try?

    5. No I have not, but it sounds interesting so I would like to try it.


  3. concur with DeanM and Christopher, I'm also interested Land of the Free rules...

  4. You have to love a day that is capped with free rules in the mail. Good one!

    1. Free rules in the mail is a good day, indeed! The only problem with this arrival was that I was out of town when the package arrived. Home now, and the book does look very nice.

  5. " I did show great restraint in not visiting the local miniatures shop in Kirkland, The Panzer Depot. Hooray, for me! I think I will buy some figures to celebrate such great restraint!"

    LOL, Jon!.

    Re: Napoleonic Saxons - I 'd suggest using them with some French (etc) allies to counter a hypothetical North German raid by a British Expeditionary Force, perhaps in late 180989 or late 1812/early 1813!

    1. Peter, your Saxon usage idea is a good one! One of those solutions just may see the table.

      Thank you!

  6. Those Front Rank Brits look great, that clear sculpting should take paint and washes really well. Hadn't heard much about those AWI rules, so it'd be great to see a review on your blog, especially paired with an AAR from a 28mm game. Have a safe trip to Seattle!

    1. I agree think currently Front Rank new Naps are the best in 28mm.


    2. Soren, the newer Front Rank Reinforcement Pack figures are very nice! I like their proportioning better than the original Front Rank figures. Front Rank figures in general are easy to paint and take the stain very well.

      A review of Land of the Free is in my queue of things to tackle. As for the Seattle trip, I returned Friday night having spent the week of 06 OCT away from home. What do you think of a 600 mile round trip commute to work?

    3. Christopher, I am with you! The new Front Rank figures are exquisite!
