
Saturday, September 20, 2014

SAW U.S. Volunteer Infantry in 25mm

Work at the painting desk slowed considerably this week.  "Slowed" is an understatement.  "Stopped in its tracks" is more like it.  After having spent a week on vacation, I returned only to be hit by a debilitating flu with complications.  With very infrequent and short sessions, a second unit of U.S. Volunteer infantry makes its way off the workstation. 

The figures are Old Glory and bring the total U.S. infantry to 60.  I may be getting close to giving a small SAW game a try.  I plan to continue working SAW figures into the painting queue and a unit of U.S. cavalry will be finding their way into the queue soon.

The volunteers are wearing a mix of trousers but all have the ubiquitous blue shirt.

Next off the painting desk will likely be a large handful of 15mm WWII German paratroops.  The 15mm WWII project has not seen much (any) activity since the beginning of 2014 so why not give it a boost?  What prompted a return to this project?  Well, Peter Pig recently held a sale and I was sorely tempted.  Upon reflection figured I ought to burn down the pile a bit before bringing in new recruits.  What? I passed sale?  It must be my weakened state of mind and body.

BTD USA is holding a 50% discount sale too and I thought I had made it without buying anything.  I received an email, however, this morning stating that the sale had been extended through Monday.  Oh, the pressure...    


  1. Great looking Old Glory Figures you have Jonathan, lovely painting - and the bases too, looks like you used Army Painter Shading?

    1. Thanks, Phil! I use MinWax Tudor Satin as a stain/dip. Never tried Army Painter.

    2. even better! using MinWax Tudor Satin, the figures look great

    3. Minwax may not be better but I bet it is certainly cheaper! Minwax works for me.

  2. GOOD STUFF! Hmm, BTD sale until Monday....

  3. Great looking unit, very effective color scheme with the bone white over the blue. Germans fallschirmjägers are one of my favorites - especially the early uniforms without the camo!

    1. Thank you, Soren! I am with you! Fallschirmjagers in the early, no camo smock for me; especially in 15mm.

  4. Great looking troops - the flu can't keep you down. BTW, I saw that BTD sale - I'll be picking up some stuff for SAGA. Best, Dean

    1. Thank you, Dean! This flu has been a very bad one for me. Only now am I beginning to feel better.

  5. Nice job, love the different colors foir the trousers...

    1. Thanks, Phil! Differing the trouser color does lend some interest, yes?

  6. Very nice looking unit, you make those OG figures look great. The SAW is definitely an interesting looking period, but I will remain strong and resist the temptation of another collection. Honest!

    1. Matt! Glad you like them! You know, resistance is futile...

  7. I hope you've bounced back to 100%. The flu is nothing to mess with.

    I do like the look of these fine boys. Very determined. And speaking of determined, I now have to click over to BTD. Thanks for the heads up!

    1. Hi Monty! Still not 100% but moving in that direction (I hope!).

  8. Jonathan,

    Could you kindly email me your heavily modified version of "Ironsides" and I will see that it gets to Murdock?

    My email is . . . bluebearjeff at shaw dot ca . . . (notice "ca" and not "com").

    By the way, we are not all that far away from you. We are partway up the east coast of Vancouver Island. Certainly not a "casual trip" distance but not on the other side of the world either.

    -- Jeff

    1. Email sent, Jeff! The rules are intact as original but a QRS has all of the modifications. Might not make much sense in isolation but I can talk you you through it.

      You are correct! We are not on opposite ends of the earth! I was in Vancouver in June and Victoria in September.

  9. They look very nice Jonathan and I hope your feeling better!


  10. Hope you're firmly and decisively on the mend, Jonathan. I really like these figures. The blue is very rich and contrasts nicely with the blanket rolls. Just enough variety in the trousers to give a scruffy combat unit feel. Bravo.

    1. Recovery is much slower than I would like but I think progress is being made.

      For the figures, I tried using the flash this time. The colors are much more vibrant and look more true to their actual color on the game table. I do like the contrast with the blue shirt and canvas tent.
