
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Libyan Heavy Infantry - Renegade

Back to the painting desk after a week away.  Even though the weather has been pleasant, it felt equally pleasant to sit down to the painting desk after a brief hiatus.

This time marching off from the painting table is a thirteen figure Libyan heavy infantry stand for Impetvs.  Figures are Renegade with the exception of the officer which, I believe, is Aventine.  Even scoring the transfers before applying to the very curved shields did not solve the bunching problem I had in earlier units.

With Renegade on indefinite holiday, not enough heavy infantry remain to field another complete unit.  There are still a few handfuls of Renegade skirmishers to paint and field for the Carthaginians but that is it.  I also need to find some suitable Carthaginian cavalry that can be fielded alongside the huge Renegade horse. 

The 28mm Punic Wars project has not seen much activity thus far in 2014.  In fact, only two other units have crossed the painting table this year.  I guess that means the project may be stabilizing.  Either that or other projects have elbowed it out of a higher priority.  Nevertheless, it is satisfying to make another addition to the project.

It would be fun to get these guys onto the table for a game. With cooler temperatures on the horizon, gaming activities will soon switch to those of the tabletop variety.


  1. Very cool Carthaginians. If there's any issue with the decals, I can't see them even in the close up shots. At tabletop distance, the impression will just be that of awesomeness! :-)

    Hannibal ad Portas!

  2. I like them. They look excellent.

  3. lovely painting and basing.. a great unit to have in one's army/collection

  4. Very nice work indeed Jonathan, like Phil I think you've matched the color scheme with a good basing. I also favored the Aventine range, but things are happening for the Punic Wars in plastics. Have you seen the new stuff coming out from Victrix? If you don't mind gluing a little, they look pretty fantastic to me. And - LBM is set to have decals for them...

    1. I have had my eye on the the new plastics. Although I prefer the heft of metals, the detail on the Victrix is incredible. I may pick up a pack and give them a try.

  5. Basing and painting are really impressive!

  6. Lovely work again! Is your idea to leave a space at the back left of the base for labels/unit details? Clever, that is...

    1. Thanks! Yes, that raised cleat on the left rear is used to display the unit's stats.

  7. They look great, must be a real buzz kill not being able to get those mini's


    1. Thanks, Ian! Yes, it is a setback but hopefully these figures will be available again.

  8. Beautiful! They sure paint and rank up well. Time to go kick some Roman behinds!

  9. The painting on the hoplon shields is incredible...or is it decal? Either way that is one sharp-looking unit.
