
Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Trojan War Chariot - BTD

Having assembled and painted three Old Glory Trojan War chariots and seeing samples of the BTD Trojan War chariots from Scott's order, I added one BTD chariot to a recent order.

Assembling the chariot had me puzzled for awhile but I think I figured out how the tongue was affixed to the chariot box after a little trial and error.

As a comparison, I placed one of the Old Glory models alongside the BTD model.  BTD chariot is in the back.
From gaming distance, the absolute differences are not that stark and would be fine to field individually on the gaming table.  When compared on a relative basis such as placing one of each manufacturer's chariot within the same unit, the differences are apparent and striking.
While the chariot box size is similar the BTD chariot riders are larger and better proportioned than their Old Glory and counterparts. 
The biggest shock is in comparing the horses for the two lines.  The BTD horses dwarf the Old Glory team and definitely look like ponies compared to the BTD beasts.  I wonder where, within this spectrum of sizes, the Wargames Foundry model would fit?

Another interesting diversion in the books.


  1. Nice chariots, Jonathan. I never picked up a BTD one, but it looks nice. The only thing was Mycenaean era chariots normally are portrayed with only 4-spoke wheels. No biggie though. As far as a comparison shot here from my Displaced Minis site (not active) - I have on with Foundry, OG and Redoubt. The horses for Foundry and OG match up well (as well as the chariot itself). The Redoubt horses and chariots are larger - may be a good match in size with BTD. I have no problem fielding them all on the table - some horses may be better bred and larger per the bard :)!

    1. Dean that is is a great site you referenced! I will have to look around for ideas. Looks like the BTD figures fit well with Redoubt but your point about horse size differences is a good one.

  2. Great looking chariots, both. I have usually had to work to figure out the details of Chariot assembly and harness regardless of the manufacturer!

    1. Thanks, Peter! Happy to know that I am not alone!

  3. Great looking chariot! It makes me wish I still had my Trojan army!


    1. Thanks, Christopher! Never too late to start again, right? I am sure it would be spectacular!

  4. great chariots Jonathan, very beautiful, these really look clean style of painting....nice!

  5. Great work! Love the bright blue.

  6. Lovely work, I do like the bronze armor on these fellows! And the cowhide too.

    1. Thank you, Monty! Say, your mugshot has changed!

    2. LOL, I just got back from vacationing in the Blue Ridge Mountains. My kids really disliked my old selfie so I told them it was their job to get one picture of me I could use for Google. Success! ;-)

    3. Ha! I hardly recognized you! Welcome back!

  7. Beautiful chariots Jonathan, beautiful chariots!

  8. Excellent work and really useful comparison
