
Monday, August 11, 2014

British 83rd Foot in 28mm

Having seen recent activity in the Napoleonic Wars with both painting and gaming, I stuck to that theme with the next painting task.  This time, a British regiment of foot from Front Ranks' 28mm range.  My fielding of the 83rd Foot consists of two skirmishers and 18 infantry in close order.  The 83rd musters out in campaign dress with trousers sourced from a variety of cloth.

Why field the 83rd?  Well, I picked up several packets of Victrix flag sets at close-out prices from Northstar and this was one of the flag sets!  So, why not?

While I am painting and fielding two skirmishers for each British regiment, for Old Trousers play, I am considering reducing the number of skirmishers to only one for line battalions and two for light battalions.  This skirmisher reduction may increase play speed and will certainly reduce the number of such markers wandering about the battlefield.

My current replay of Arroyo con Pollo is using reduced skirmisher markers.  Thus far, the reduction has not materially changed the outcome but it has reduced the number of skirmisher challenges. 

Staying with 28mm Napoleonics, I  recently (as of this week) picked up two packets of 28mm Napoleonics at bargain prices through TMP.  The first package contained Bicorne Miniatures' dismounted dragoons and horse holders.  These are my first Bicorne Miniatures and first glance at the raw lead shows outstanding detail.  Bicorne should fit in well with the larger 28mm figures I have and dismounted dragoons will be perfect for scraps in Spain.  The second package contained a battalion pack of French line from Elite Miniatures.  Once painted this will be my second Elite French infantry to see service.  I look forward to tackling both of these in the future.  


  1. lovely or groovy cool... great miniatures and painting Jonathan, I like the flocking on the bases.. cheers,

    1. Thanks, Phil! The basing is quite minimalistic but, for me, it works.

  2. Splendid work, Jonathan! Love the mix of trousers, flocking and that is quite the colors to rally round.

    Nice scores at TMP as well.

    1. Thank you, Monty! I like the pants mix too. I should mix them up more often. Yeah, I got two good deals from TMP. I got a few good buys on eBay too. August tends to be a good time to find bargains.

  3. Loving your Napoleonic foray, Jonathan. Keep it up!

    1. Johnny! Thank you! I have been enjoying your Napoleonic works as well!

  4. Excellent paintjob, as Monty I like the mix of trousers colors, very nice!

  5. These look great Jonathan, good sized unit and nice Spanish looking basing. Haven't seen the Elite minis in close up detail before, will look forward to view the painted examples on your blog then!

    1. Thanks, Soren, and welcome back from vacation!
      When I get to the Elite Miniatures' French, I will post the results.

  6. A fine looking unit, Jon. Well done!

    1. Thanks, Peter! That empties my Front Rank British stash. Now, I have an excuse to finally get a few Front Rank reinforcement packs to try.

  7. Great looking Red Coats; not familiar with the rules you mentioned. I will have to peruse the site to see of past games using these rules. Best, Dean

    1. Thanks, Dean! There are at least two BatReps using Old Trousers somewhere in the archives. I am playing through another game using the rules now.

  8. They look great, Jon! I love those chunky Front Rank figures. We'll have to see how you enjoy the Old Glory second edition.

    1. Thanks, Scott! I appreciate you dropping by for a look!

      Patiently awaiting the Old Glory order...
