
Saturday, August 16, 2014

18mm SYW Daily Double

Today, two small additions to the SYW project passed in review and off the painting desk.

The first unit to march into the storage bin is the stand of grenadier companies from the Prussian 10th Musketeer Regiment (eight figures).  The parent to half of the grenadiers, the first battalion of the 10th Musketeers passed off the painting desk recently (see 10th Musketeer Regiment).  Like its parent, the grenadiers are wearing their summer white gaiters.  The figures are Blue Moon and the quality (even the faces) are excellent.  Really terrific sculpts!

The second unit off the painting desk is one squadron of the Austrian 11th Dragoon Regiment (Wurttemberg).  Like all of the cavalry in the project, the figures are Eureka

There was a bit of confusion with this squadron.  I pulled six dragoons from The Lead Pile leaving only a musician or two and a few broken horsemen left in the dragoon bin.  Thinking these remaining six were purchased to bring one of the existing Austrian dragoon regiments up to their full complement of six squadrons, I went through the roster to pinpoint the under strength regiment.  When I checked the roster, all three Austrian dragoon regiments showed six squadrons.  How could that be?  Why have only six unpainted dragoons?  Perhaps the roster was in error?  I went to the storage bin and pulled the painted Austrian dragoons.  Yep.  Three full strength regiments of six squadrons each.  Well!  I will have to begin a fourth dragoon regiment.  Thus, the 11th is born.

Now, of course, I will need more Austrian dragoons to bring this regiment up to full strength!  See how my projects never seem to finish?  


  1. A very nice and colorful pair, Jon. Perhaps Tricorne armies will be my retirement project?

    1. No one has ever said that to me, Peter!

      I would enjoy seeing you tackle a tricorne period as a retirement project!

    2. OMG, ROTFLOL, Jon!

      I figure I have about 11 years to go before semi retirement. Maybe I will finish all my Napoleopniocs by then!

    3. Realistically, are Napoleonics ever, truly, finished? I don't believe mine will be although not many of the 15mm Napoleonics seeing the painting table these days.

    4. Well, mostly British to paint for the next year (although I am doing some Austrian Hussars now for fun), the Spaniards for 2015 - 16, after that ? Neapolitans and a few Zeigstaaten. Mostly filling in gaps thereafter. Oh, then there's the Swiss...

    5. Looks like a great mid-to-long term plan. What have you left in your British arsenal to finish?

  2. Excellent work as always, Jonathan. Seems we are in the same period right now; albeit in different scales. Best, Dean

    1. Thanks, Dean! Yes, same period, different scales. Our workbenches do align every so often, don't they?

  3. Impressive work. Might have to look at 18mm. It seems to have the detail that 10mm lacks and easier to achieve mass than 28mm models on a game table. I'll have to check out Blue Moon's offerings.

    1. Give 18mm a look! For mass displays, 18mm is a good option and plenty of choices wrt manufacturers.

      I do like the Blue Moon figures and they cannot be beat on price especially with the Old Glory Army Card. My preference is still towards Eureka but Blue moon fit well with them.

    2. I will! I love 28mm mostly OG and Perry, but it can be so cost prohibitive even when you go plastics. Thanks.

  4. Washingtonians always think alike :o)

    1. Yes! And, we all seem to be home alone on a Saturday night!

  5. Another great work Jonathan, the grenadier compagnie is awesome!

  6. Very nice Prussians indeed Jonathan! You've really nailed that characteristic yellow of their breeches - they look about ready to march off to Leuthen :0)

    1. Thanks, Soren! One day, they WILL march on Leuthen!

  7. Lovely painting Jonathan. Your grenadiers are my favorite! There is something about grenadier miter caps that say "all business."

    Your lead pile is so large that it holds surprises!

    1. Thanks, Monty! Yeah, I like those BM grenadiers too. Much character with their grizzled faced and long mustaches. Who doesn't like a mitre?

      The Lead Pile often surprises me too.

  8. It is exactly this kind of irresponsible posting that makes me stray from my cast-in-stone plans... very attractive work!

  9. They look very nice Jonathan! I hear you on always needed new and more units!

