
Friday, June 6, 2014

D-Day Anniversary Sales

With June 6th marking the 70th anniversary of the D-Day landings, several wargames manufacturers are offering special savings to commemorate this milestone.  Two offerings to which I am aware are from Two Fat Lardies and Black Tree Design

From Two Fat Lardies, on offer is a Flash Sale for a 20% discount on all of their WWII related products.  While intrigued by Chain of Command for some time now, I took advantage of the sale by picking up a PDF of Chain of Command. Sale is good only through the 6th.

From Black Tree Design is a 50% discount on all of their 28mm WWII infantry.  BTD offers a wide selection of infantry in their WWII range and paint up quite nicely.  Offer ends at midnight on the 6th so don't dally.  I used the sale to pick up a few platoons to add to The Lead Pile.  A sampling of my skirmish-based BTD figures itching for a fight follow:

With Chain of Command, perhaps I finally have a set of rules with which to put these figures into action on the gaming table?  I hope so!


  1. Great looking WW2 troops, Jonathan. I don't plan on building a British force, but yours look great. Yes, today is the anniversary of the Day of Days. Best, Dean

    1. Thanks, Dean. I had not planned on building a British force, either...It just happened!

  2. Lovely minis Jonathan - they look about ready for a Gold Beach scenario!

    1. Thanks, Soren. Yes, Gold Beach would be applicable to the small forces I have.

  3. Looking good, Jonathan! You're already half way to jumping into WW II at the platoon level.

    I hope you get to try CoC. It is a keeper.

    1. Monty! I hope to give CoC a try too! I have seen so many positive reviews and replays, it is hard not to get pulled in.

  4. Great looking troops Jonathan!

  5. They look nice Jonathan! Looking forward to seeing them in a report!

