
Saturday, June 28, 2014

28mm Reconquista - More Heavy Cav!

Following close on the heels of the white caparisoned heavies (Phil, thanks for the addition to my wargaming lexicon), one five-figure stand of black barded heavy horsemen gallop off the painting desk.  The heavy cavalry balance begins to even out against my adversary's collection.  These are BTD figures as was the prior batch and based for Impetvs.

A number of other elements are seeing activity at the painting desk from an assortment of projects.  Which will make it off the table next?

Also attended a 25mm Mex-American game at Terry's today.  Terry provided suggestions for the uniforms for the Scruby Mexican infantry I recently purchased.  The game was a variation on the Battle of Cerro Gordo fought earlier (chronicled here).  Mexican army went down to defeat (again).  I have yet to see the Mexicans win a battle under RFF.  Details to follow...


  1. A menacing bunch of heavy cav for sure. They look dangerous!

    1. Funny how the color of the barding implies a sense of intentions to the figures. White is good; black is bad...

    2. Are you implying something about my Knights of Calatrava? Yours are good looking figs though.

  2. Make way for Los Caballos Negros! I agree, manacing is the right word for them!

    Iseem to recall that when Jack Scruby came out with those figures for the Mexican-American War more than 40 yerars ago, there was a specific reference book he recommended for the Mexicans, from which he obviously drew his designs. His catalogs had quite a lot of uniform and organizational information within them!

    1. Thanks, Peter! It might be fun to browse through one of the old Scruby catalogs simply to see the information contained, therein.

      Whatever detail those Mexicans end up with must be painted on. Not much detailing on the figures themselves, but they do have a certain charm.

  3. Very nice and well painted unit full of character!
    Being unfamiliar with Impetus, I have to ask - what is the function of that black plate you're adding to the bottom left corner of the base. I saw you did the same on the previous Impetus unit!?

    1. Soren, that little raised cleat is used for affixing a label to display unit stats. I find it useful to have that info displayed on the base and visible.

    2. Interesting and cool way of integrating the stats instead of placing out markers et.c. Very useful I can imagine, when you're fielding big games with many units/stats to keep score of.

  4. Don't want to stand in face of them during a battle, they look so strong, and beautiful, great work Jonathan!

    1. Thank you, Phil! Your comments are always appreciated.

  5. Your heavies are literally charging off the painting table! I do like the uniform black.

    The two fellows on the right seem to be saying "So, do you think we'll be getting in with all of our impetus dice this time?"

    1. Monty, that would be a fitting caption! Of course, with me in command, the answer is almost certainly, "Not this time, I'm afraid!"

    2. LOL, we suffer from the same luck it seems.

    3. If that is true then I want to face off against you on the field of battle. Then, one of us can taste victory!

  6. They look great and will for sure add that extra muscle to your forces.


    1. Every army could use a little more muscle, right?
