
Thursday, May 22, 2014

Prussian Musketeer Rgt #24

Following the AB Austrian grenadiers off the painting table is a 23 figure battalion from Prussian Musketeer Regiment #24.  This battalion is battalion #1 in the two battalion Prussian regiment.  Battalion #2 was painted earlier using a handful of surplus Essex figures.  

On the painting table now are nearly two dozen Brigade Games' 28mm French infantry.  With weather improving less time has been spent in the depths of the painting/game room and more time spent on the bike.  Perhaps, I can finish the French this weekend?  


  1. This is a beautiful unit Jonathan, great work!

  2. Another great looking unit, Jonathan. I think 18mm is a good size for grand scale gaming. Big enough fro nice details to be seen, and still allowing more units on the table than 28mm. Best, Dean

    1. I agree with you. 18mm is a good solution for filling the table with large battalions. SYW and Napoleonics are especially well suited to grand tactical games.

  3. Lovely Prussians. Der Alte Fritz would have been proud. Vorwärts!

    1. Some day, I will field as many battalions as did Old Fritz!

  4. Replies
    1. Francis! Thanks for the comment and thanks for stopping by!

  5. Very nice indeed Jonathan! I assume you're aware of Eureka's great 18mm range for this period?

    1. Thank you, Michael. Yes, I am very aware of Eureka's 18mm SYW line. I have over 2,000 of the Eureka figures painted in my collection. Sample units can be found if you search on '18mm SYW' on the blog.

      I like the Eureka's very much but when Blue Moon came out with their range of AWI Hessians, I thought I would use them to add a little variety into the mix. I think the Blue Moon work well in a Prussian army alongside Eureka.

  6. Thanks, Andrew! Appreciate your comments.

  7. Lovely work on your Austrian grenadiers. These are Blue Moon then? They do look great. And lol on the 2K Eureka figures!

    The lovely weather (finally) has me outside every night. Painting time is shrinking but that's ok!

    1. Thanks, Monty! Yes the Austrian grenadiers are AB and these Prussians are 18mm Blue Moon from their AWI range. I see that Blue moon has released a SYW Prussian line now. Oh, you should see my 15mm Napoleonic collection...

      It was a long winter and the sun feels quite good. I know the northwest didn't have the brutal conditions you faced. You were lucky to survive!

  8. A fine looking unit. I have quite a lopt of painting to do until mid July for Historicon, and then I usually paint almost nothing until October!

    1. Thanks!

      Why is it that no matter how many figures we have painted, there seems to always be a push to paint when an upcoming game looms? Is this simply a symptom of our "Great Madness?"?

  9. Nominated you for a Liebster award ;)

  10. That's a nice looking unit. Like the sculpts too.
