
Saturday, April 12, 2014

French & Indian War Irregulars

After another week away from the painting desk, I returned Saturday morning to finish a couple of units in progress before my departure.  Needing more French militia or irregulars for my upcoming French & Indian War campaign, these two 12-figure units will add the necessary man power to begin.

The figures are all 1st Corps from the SYW range and comprise a mix of French regulars in campaign dress and coureur des bois.  I have a number of figures from 1st Corps' range already in the project and, to me, they have a certain charm.  The figures are on the larger side of 25mm and most have faces that even a mother might have difficulty admiring.  These 24 figures are in a mix of dress including regulation and campaign modifications.  A number of the figures are in waistcoat, pokalem, and and leggings; perfect for the de la Marines.
Irregular #1
Irregular #1
Irregular #2
Irregular #2
Irregulars combined


  1. Gotta have the Courier de Bois etc as irregulars for a French and Indian War Campaign. How about the Indians themselves?

    1. Hi Peter, I have six or seven warbands of Indians so should have enough for any engagement.

  2. Splendid minis, for sure! Beautiful stands Jonathan...

  3. Lovely painting Jonathan and a beaut mix of figures in the units; fabulous!

    1. James! I appreciate your kind comments! Your group has been hosting some fabulous looking games..

  4. Great work, Jonathan! Even when you're on the road, your brush never rests. They look the part of men ready to take the fight to the woods.

    Looking forward to hearing more about the campaign.

    1. Thanks, Monty! Yeah, work often interferes with our hobbies, doesn't it?

      As for the campaign, I played out a few months of the campaign with no major field battle. I plan to post a campaign status soon.

  5. Nice work as always, Jonathan. I'm curious to know what rules you'll be using. I was considering basing my F&IW figs 3-per 40mm square, but just ordered some skirmish movement trays (5-per). Best, Dean

    1. For fighting the tactical encounters, my plan is to use a derivative of Howard Whitehouse's "Old Trousers" and "Ironsides." Both use single element MUs and Combat Effectiveness rather than casualties to track unit degradation.

  6. Just caught up with your blog. A lot of good stuff going on. I like your use of vassal to handle the strategic elements of the campaign. I have some projects in mind where I want to do something similar. Is there anything to look out for, or is it fairly straight forward?

    1. Sean! Glad you had a chance to catch up. VASSAL is quite easy to use. The Montcalm & Wolfe module is especially well done. Most, if not all, of the relevant charts and tables are included right in the module. Very helpful and eliminates the need to pull out the paper copy of the game.

      As I mentioned in an earlier post, the graphics in the VASSAL module are much better than those graphics presented in the original paper game.
