
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Fellow Blogger Give-Aways!

Two of the blogs I follow are celebrating blogging milestones by offering contests and Give-Aways.  Both editors provide interesting insights and photos of their work.  I always enjoy reading their latest offerings.  

To help in acknowledging these milestones and to show my support and appreciation (oh, and perhaps gather one of the give-away items), below are the details of each.

Mad Padre Wargames is celebrating reaching the 100,000 page views.  Part of the fun of this contest is concocting captions for three illustrations.  I have my suggestions in and look forward to seeing the winning entries.
1st Prize is a $40 gift certificate to J&M Miniatures.

Thoughts of a Depressive Diplomatist is celebrating reaching 50,000 page views.  Great blog title, by the way!  Edwin is offering a battery of prizes including a nifty Airfix playing card tin and a number of books.  I would enjoy being the recipient of the Airfix tin!
Pay these gents a visit and enter the contest.  Well, pay these gents a visit but don't enter the contest.  I do not wish my chances to be diluted.

Congratulations, gentlemen!