
Monday, March 31, 2014

More Reconquista Heavy Foot

As alluded to in a prior posting showing one, twelve-figure stand of mercenary or Spanish heavy foot (Reconquista Heavy Foot), off the painting desk pops a second unit of the same.  The follow-up unit is twelve figures strong and again, all Black Tree Design.  The project now fields  five such mercenary foot units.

Inventory remains to field several more of these Spanish foot warriors.  First, though, I may push a unit or two of heavy cavalry into the painting queue.  In the last BTD order, I included knights on barded horses to make at least two heavy cavalry units.  Like these mercenary foot, the heavy cavalry will be able to appear within either faction.

Besides, when facing Jake's mass of heavy cavalry, I will most certainly require a few of my own as a counter.  I can't rely on the Moorish camelry to dissuade his knights every time. 


  1. Another great looking unit of infantry for your Reconquista project, Jonathan. I do like the look of these BTD guys. Dean

    1. All of the BTD ranges I have collected are all well sculpted although their Warriors of Islam range is probably my favorite. I picked up a handful of the BTD Trojan range for a friend's project and they are excellent as well.

  2. Getting to be a most impressive collection, Jon!

    1. Funny how a project can take on a life of its own. Like a snowball rolling downhill, gathers momentum as it goes...

  3. More great looking figures Jonethan!


    1. Now I need to get them back onto the table for game.
