
Saturday, February 1, 2014

State of the Painting Desk

Aha!  That is not a photo of my normal painting desk but a photo of the beginnings to a small home improvement project involving a great deal of brushwork.  
My painting time this weekend began not with miniature painting but 1:1 painting in Real Life.  This activity would require an all day repainting of our formal living room.  Since this space is rarely utilized, we decided to convert the space into a library.  Yes!  This will free some space in the game room and get all of the books together in one, central, well-lit space.  

Having received three book cabinets late in the week, first task for me was to repaint the room.  Cleaning and taping was accomplished Thursday night and painting began in earnest Friday morning.  With 12 foot ceilings, at times, I was seemingly performing a high wire act balancing myself, and brush on the top of the ladder.  No injuries were incurred in the painting of the room!  Painting and clean-up wrapped up about eight hours later. 
In the photo, the size of the cabinets may be deceptive.  Each of these cabinets is 6-1/2 feet tall by 4-1/2 feet wide.  That is a lot of linear footage for books!  Now to transfer all of the books from the downstairs game room up to the main floor is another sizable undertaking.  Left to accomplish is table and chair selections for the library. 

With that Real Life painting diversion under my belt, the painting desk shows activity on the smaller scale projects.
At present, a number of projects are seeing activity.  Two units of Japanese for the Samurai Battles' project can be seen in the foreground.  Sitting on the clipboard on the right are 15mm WWII British and 28mm Spanish.  In the center, are two battalions of 15mm Sardinian infantry for the 1859 project.

Quite busy here this weekend!


  1. This is one painting job I think you should have contracted out to the guys in Sri Lanka! :-)

    The bookcases look great; I am envious!

    1. Although I have never contracted out figure painting, your advice will be kept in mind if the scope of the home painting project expands greatly. I enjoy painting both small and large.

    2. I've never had anything painted for me and, less than 0.1% of my figures were painted by anyone else but me. First, like you I am sure, I prefer commanding troops that I have painted myself - every one is special to me that way. Second, I am too cheap to pay someone else to do it! :-)

      That definitely doesn't apply to 1:1 scale painting, however, LOL!

    3. Exactly right about commanding your own troops! I find myself picking up figures to paint even for projects of friends just to field my own force in a game.

  2. Those are spectacular bookshelves. And room as well. How big a gaming table do you figure you can fit in there? ;-)

    1. Well, I could easily fit two 6' x 12' tables in the library space. I have a 6' x 12' game table in the basement game room and that should suffice, don't you think?

  3. When I saw the first picture, I thought you had finally opted for a display case! So what are you going to do with the newly freed space next to you tables?

    1. They are display cases...for books!

      I wager the newly liberated space in the game room will be quickly consumed. I moved a couch into the game room and may put in a side table to replace some of the bookcases. One always expands to fill the void, right? Figures are still stacked everywhere in boxes.

  4. Very industrious and aesthetically pleasing home improvement project, Jonathan. Best, Dean

    1. Thanks, Dean! Hopefully, when complete, that will be the result!
