
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

State of the Painting Desk - Lighting Upgrade

I increasingly require more light by which to paint.  A number of lighting solutions have been explored and all seem to fall a bit short.  All, that is, except for the lamp I currently use.  While the current swing arm light works satisfactorily, I am always searching for a source to provide additional light and illuminate my work space even more.

Given my near constant search for better lighting, I was intrigued to see Monty's review of the Daylight Triple Bright lamp.

      Monty's Triple Bright Lamp Review

What could be better than a "Triple Bright" lamp?  Although a little on the expensive end of lamps, I ordered the piece and waited.  Well, the lamp arrived in Tuesday's post and quickly was installed at the painting desk.  This lamp is huge!  That means that much more of the painting desk can be illuminated by it.
Painting under the new lamp
When I flicked it on, I was surprised that the entire game room was not flooded in a bright light.  This lamp produces a softer, less harsh light than does the current swing arm but the painting area under the light was illuminated and free of shadows.  I painted for about 30 minutes using the Triple Bright and the softer light may take time to allow my eyes to adjust to painting under the less intense light.  I will have a better feel for its usefulness after spending a few good sessions working under its glow. 
Thanks Monty for the recommendation!


  1. I was looking at the same option last week. After installing LED floodlights in my den, I want to replace my Florescent desk lamp with one as well

    1. Are you considering the same lamp or new lighting in general?

    2. I am considering the same type of lamp. When I looked at this model it was out of stock. I was looking for an alternative, but am going to wait until I can see some up close at Lowes/Home Depot later on.

  2. I do hope this works well for you! I'm a cheap SOB but for me, this was money well spent as I need lots of light to paint by. I used to paint under 2 halogen shop lamps and this is so much better.

    I put the lamp right over and slightly in front of my work and aim it so its shining the direction I'm looking. I pull it down so close that the underside of the lamp has stray brushtrokes. Did I mention I need lots of light?

    I found pics shot under this lamp were better once I got my camera settings adjusted. Good luck!

    1. Monty! Like you, I need lots of light. This lamp certainly seems to run much cooler than my previous solutions. That is a big bonus! My eyes may need a breaking in period to adjust to the less harsh lighting. I'll keep you posted. Thanks again for the recommendation. BTW, I'm a cheap SOB too!

  3. Andrew, I plan to report back after I have had a proper breaking in period.

  4. Nice set up, Jonathan. You've motivated me to start on the Perry figs I just got the other day. Dean

    1. Are the Perry's additions to your Korean project? Looking forward to seeing more of those.
