
Thursday, February 13, 2014

Spanish Infantry in Cuba - Dip and Rebase

With the arrival of the grass tufts from Tajima, the Spanish rebasing activity made great progress this week.  When we last checked in on the Spanish-American War land project (Cuba for the Spanish), all infantry figures were singly based and had not seen the light of day (so to speak) for years.

Figures were based in threes and then given a treatment of stain.  Bases were then flocked and "bushed" with my newly acquired grass tufts.  Below are the finished products as shown on the parade ground.  Based in threes, the troops will be much easier to maneuver on the battlefield.

Figures in the last rank in the last picture are actually Cuban rebels not Spanish.  Now, I need some opposition for these guys.  Opposition awaits in the form of unpainted Old Glory lead at Scott's.  I only need to find time to make the trek to Coeur d'Alene to pick them up. 


  1. They look great mult-based, Jonathan. I'm sitting on the fence to re-base my RJW Japanese infantry (actually from OG's Boxer range). I was was going to leave them as singles for Bolt Action, but I'm tired of moving singles, and not sure if I want to purchase those irregular movement stands for singles. Best, Dean

    1. Thank you, Dean! Moving individually based figures is no fun for me when that number exceeds more than a handful. You could always use a sabot on which to temporarily mount your single figures.

  2. Very good looking upgrade. Chris and Pat Velas have a great scenario for San Juan Hill (using Piquet).

    1. Thanks, Peter! If you have the San Juan scenario, please pass it on.

    2. I don't have it, but you might try inquiring directly of Patrick; His blog is:
      (Patrick 766's "Dolls")

  3. Love them! The mas efeect is excellent, and I love the basement!

    1. Thanks, Phil! I prefer the figures based this way too!

  4. I really don't want to re-base my Americans, and yet.... I might as well rename my blog to Dartfrog's Adventures in 4.67*6mm... Nicely done, they group turned out very well. Perhaps, when I am no longer buried in Arabs and Landsknechts, I will reassemble a force capable of challenging these guys. Or I will just drag my feet to see how much nicer your Rough Riders turn out.

    1. I don't blame you for hesitating on the rebasement. Your individual figures look terrific the way in which you have terrained each base. We could still use both of our collections in battle even though based differently. Perhaps, for larger actions, your Americans could be placed on sabots?

      Thanks for the comments!

  5. They look super! Really like the multi base treatment!


    1. Thanks Christopher! A good rebasing exercise is one way to breath new life into a forgotten project.

  6. These look good Jonathan. What scale and manufacture are the figures?
