
Monday, February 17, 2014

Risorgimento 1859 - Sardinian Infantry

With a handful of limbers recently finished for the 1859 project (Austrian, Sardinian), attention returns to combat troops.  When I left off on working through the Sardinian OB, Infantry Line Regiment #11 had only two of its four battalions mustered.  With this update, battalions #3 and #4 can be fielded to bring Line Regiment #11 up to full strength.  The only distinguishing features of the uniform separating the 11th from other infantry regiments are the yellow collar tabs and the pom pom. 

I think it time to get this collection onto the gaming table again.  While I focused on the main battle at San Martino in my first outing, perhaps, I could put together a scenario covering the western approaches to the battlefield in the next game?  With that, I have some research to do.