
Saturday, February 22, 2014

Old Glory Austrian IR#22

Looking forward to Saturday's game this morning at Terry's.  On the slate is a Regimental Fire and Fury battle down Mexico way.  Terry has a sizable collection of the old Scruby, one inch Mexican-American War figures.  These figures are true 25mm.  It is always fun to see these veterans of many a battle out on the table.  I was surprised that these figures can still be purchased.  Before heading out for the days' gaming activities, a few RFF QRS' need printing and a quick skim of the rules.

Today's figure update shows an Old Glory 28mm Austrian infantry battalion from their first edition lines of Napoleonics.  From viewing Scott's large Old Glory Austrian collection, the Austrians are one of the better sculpted and animated lines.  The figures really have much character.

While my 28mm Napoleonic collection focuses mainly on actions between the British and French, Scott gave me these figures, perhaps, as a means to expand my interest.  These figures have been beckoning from The Lead Pile for years.

I painted this battalion as IR#22 and the figures do have much character.  This was an enjoyable exercise and pleasant diversion from my other painting tasks.  What to do with them now?  Not sure but I may put them up for sale.

Now, off to the game!


  1. Another great run of Napoleonic figures, Jonathan! White with yellow trim is surprisingly stylish!

    Yours is one blog where I cannot guess what will appear out of the lead pile from week to week. And here I was thinking you had a Napoleonics push going.

    1. Thanks, Monty! You are not alone in wondering what might pop off the painting desk. I am often surprised too! My fancy can change on a time.

  2. Nice Austrians, Jonathan. I like OG 1s Ed. Napoleonnics. I wouldn't have a problem with them on the table in Peninsular War games - just think of them as one of the many German States troops conscripted by the French to serve there. In fact, I have a brigade worth of Russians that I would use as Spanish :)! More troops on the table the better. Best, Dean

    1. Quite right! Many of the German contingents could and did see service on both sides. If I hang onto this battalion, I may only be tempted to field more.

      Russians as Spanish, I could see that!

  3. Looking great. I have a "brigade" of 72 of these figures as part of my Austrian Napoleonic army, and would certainly consider more. Can't beat the price, either!

    1. With the Old Glory Army card, the price is, indeed, almost impossible to beat! The Austrian line is one of their better ones too. Austrian cavalry are terrific.

  4. Lovely looking unit. Whatever your decide to do with them I'm sure they'll get put to good use.

    1. Simon! Welcome! Still in limbo on how to employ or deploy this battalion.

  5. Your lovely French need a foe. Austrians would be a perfect complement!

  6. They like nice! You should not have a problem selling them.

