
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

British 3 in Mortar Teams in 15mm

After recently pulling a handful of WWII ski troops from The Lead Pile and finishing them as markers, I felt the urge to continue augmenting the project.  With that goal in mind, I sought a small, diversionary collection to fit between two larger painting lots.

I settled on four, British 3 inch mortar teams.  Figures are from Old Glory's 15mm Command Decision range.  Having recently finished the 15mm  Peter Pig ski troops mentioned above, these Command Decision infantry are sculpted a little more roughly. These figures are perfectly serviceable, though.  Having finished these, I ought to pull both German and French mortar teams from The Lead Pile and get them into the painting queue.  This was the perfect size of painting activity to insert into the painting routine to break up larger tasks.    


  1. Good job with these mortar teams...

  2. Good work, Jonathan.

    I can't remember if you have a set of rules picked out for WW II. Do you have something in mind?

    1. Thanks, Monty!

      You know, I still haven't settled into a set of rules. In fact, we haven't gamed WWII in 15mm (or any other scale) in longer than i can remember. It has probably been more than two years.

      I liked the level of abstraction in WTJ's 1943 but others preferred Battlefront. Our last two games of Battlefront haven't been that satisfying. Since it has been years ago, maybe my recollections are a bit fuzzy.

      I think I would enjoy a game where one stand equals one squad with individual tanks and one or two battalions per side. Any suggestions?

  3. A nice looking set. I just started listening to "Soldat" from audible. Perhaps we should look into some WWII gaming this spring?

    1. Thanks! Of course, I would be interested in gaming the period! How do you feel about fighting in the frozen north? Given my loose criteria in my reply to Monty, would would you recommend?
