
Friday, January 24, 2014

28mm Reconquista - Spanish

While I await arrival of a Reconquista resupply from BTD containing handfuls of cavalry, I pushed two more units out from the painting desk.  I may be waiting awhile for the BTD delivery since BTD typically gets inundated with orders during their 50% discount offerings.  No matter; I have other items to paint.

First up is a command stand composed two of mounted figures left over from two, unrelated packs.  The Berber light cavalry figure is from Gripping Beast while the other is from Artizan Designs.  This command stand will be fielded as an attached leader in Impetvs games.

The second unit is a 12 figure stand of Crusader Spanish heavy infantry in mail from the El Cid range.  Great sculpts with much character.  As a bonus, Crusader figures fit well with my hordes of Black Tree Design Moors.  


  1. Great looking Moors, Jonathan. I particularly like the guy with the face shield. Best, Dean

    1. Thanks, Dean! I'm partial the the masked man myself although each one of the sculpts is well done!

  2. Dean beat me to it!

    Great unit and I do love your command stand. Even though they're not necessary, I love the color they bring to the table. Now I want to get a game of Impetus in.

    1. Thanks, Monty! I like fielding command stands too. If nothing else, it is a visual reminder to myself that I have a modifier for the unit. Otherwise, I tend to forget.

  3. I like the heavy infantry especially. If nothing else, I want to get some of those shields to retrofit my existing stands.

    1. Yeah, the heavy infantry are very nice. I would like to field a few more of these. The shields are perfect for the period.

  4. Looking good, and I agree, I especially like the Heavy Infantry, and the shields do give them extra character.

  5. A great looking command stand and an even better looking infantry unit!
