
Friday, December 6, 2013

SYW Prussian Musketeer Rgt 24

Nearly 91% of the 18mm SYW collection consists of Eureka figures.  Lately, though, a few other manufacturers' products have crossed the painting desk.  First, a few Freikorps, then a couple hundred Blue Moon joined the ranks of the many Eureka.  Now, one, 23 figure battalion of Essex figures musters off from the painting desk.  The mounted officer is Eureka and looks fine in among the Essex foot. 
Musketeer Regiment #24
Musketeer Regiment #24
To me, Essex 15's have always suffered from a squat body appearance.  These Prussian musketeers are no exception.  Some really like Essex style but, for me, the legs are too short and the stance too wide.  On the plus side, the detail is nicely raised and painting is straightforward with little guesswork involved.  On the table with other units, the Essex blend in very well.

Many more Eureka, Freikorps, and Blue Moon SYW figures remain to see an application of paint but this may become the only Essex unit in the collection.  A few of these figures remain but not enough to field a second battalion.  In the interest of regimental consistency, enough figures ought to be bought to field the second battalion.    


  1. Great looking SYW troops, Jonathan. I've not done anything in 15mm/18mm, but understand the various differences in 25mm/28mm makers. Best, Dean

    1. Thanks, Dean! For this time period, I do have a collection from the North American theater in 25/28mm. I have an assortment of manufacturers in the FIW project.

  2. Love the paintjob and the colors, nice work!

  3. These look great, Essex are OK but I don't see them in the top league though I have plenty of their figures


    1. Thanks, Ian, and we are in agreement with respect to Essex 15s.

  4. Nice work on these and a welcome addition to your impressive SYW collection!


  5. Nicely done. And the more I see it, the more I like the look of the lone mounted commander in the infantry units.

    1. Thanks! Soon, your 6mm Napoleonic regiments will be sprouting mounted officers?

  6. I do like these! In the ancients and medieval lines, Essex gets a ding for limited poses but that's not a problem when you're marching!

    1. Thanks, Monty! Quite right about single, mechanical poses for 18th and early 19th century armies. Makes a battalion look very trained and disciplined when every soldier is in one marching pose. Still, I'm not too keen on the Essex figure style.

    2. I wonder if the excellent of Blue Moon or Eureka might put you off a bit when you go to Essex. I spent most of a year painting Xyston (tops in 15mm ancients) and now when I paint Old Glory, I don't feel the love. I'm more workmanlike in painting OG because their flaws are now so apparent by comparison.

    3. That could be it although the anatomy seems a bit off to my eye. But, my eyes aren't what they once were.

  7. A great looking unit, and I love Essex 15's I don't think they're squat figures at all, its strange how we all have differing opinions on the same figures???? But it'd be pretty boring if we all liked the same stuff!

    1. You are absolutely right, Ray! If we all had the same preferences, there would be no variety from which to choose. A boring place, indeed!

      Thanks for the comments.

  8. They look perfectly fine to me!

    The SYW has been my "maybe someday" project for 40 years. I have a single, 12 figure, Prussian foot unit (Garrison figures), and that's it. Thus far I have resisted, probably wisely, as it seems to me that the SYW is second only to the Napoleonic era as far as the number of different armies and troops to collect!

    (I of course, have both feet and both hands firmly planted in *that* "Black Hole of Wargaming", LOL!)

    1. Thanks, Peter. They look fine to me too. When deployed on the table the differences tend to disappear.

      Quite right about the Napoleonic Black Hole. Unfortunately for my wallet, I was sucked into that vortex years ago. 15mm Napoleonics remains my largest collection. Heck, I have Napoleonics in 15mm, 28mm, and a sub-project exclusively in 18mm!

    2. You, sir, are sorely in need of discipline... perhaps you require a Dominatrix figure? :-)

