
Friday, November 8, 2013

28mm Punic War - Libyan Veteran Infantry

Staying with the recent ancients' theme (although bouncing between 6mm and 28mm), a 13 figure stand of Libyan Veteran Infantry marches off from the painting desk.  The rank and file are Renegade with an Aventine officer.  Like its sister unit painted earlier (Libyan heavy infantry), the Renegade Libyan heavy infantry are really nice sculpts.  Again, this unit is based a la Impetvs with a 120mm frontage.  Rather than the bronze on black shield scheme as the earlier veteran foot noted above, I went with a white metal on African yellow scheme.  With a Minwax stain, the shields look suitably distressed to me.

This is the last of the Renegade veteran infantry I have until Renegade decides to reopen for business.  Brigade Games may have a few in stock  somewhere but I'll have to wait until Lon finishes with Fall-In before I can get confirmation.  I would especially enjoy getting more cavalry of the Spanish, Carthaginian, and Numidian variety to fill out the ranks.  Switching back to 6mm, I have 96 Roman heavy infantry on the painting desk along with 15mm Samurai and 28mm Napoleonics.

Tomorrow includes a game at Terry's.  Gaugamela is on the docket using Fields of Glory.  Although I have not played FoG in a long time, wrestling with the game mechanisms always seem like work to me.  


  1. A great looking unit, beautiful and solid!

  2. Nice work, they do look like they've been around the block a few times.


  3. Great work Jonathan and may I say, go Carthos! They do look the business.

    Can I recommend this player aid for FoG? It won't make it more fun, ahem, but it is critical to keeping track of all the phases.

    1. Thanks for the FoG play aid recommendation. Terry does a good job of GMing the game and keeping everyone on task so I often only need to focus on play. Still, "more fun" would be a welcome change and bit of a surprise.

  4. Renegade, huh? Wow, these look very purposeful and intimidating. They capture the discipline of the Roman war machine. Best, Dean

    1. Yes, Renegade Miniatures. Their figures are towards the chunky style but the Libyan veteran infantry are one of my favorites.

  5. These are great. Love the montefotino helmets on the rank and file.

    1. Thanks! These figures are some of my favorites. Their facial expression and stance is quite menacing.
