
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

SYW Swiss Wittmer Regiment Battalion 1

No new units for the 18mm SYW project have crossed the painting desk since April so time to nudge that project forward.  The unit chosen is a Swiss regiment that saw service under French command at the Battle of Rossbach.  While the two main protagonists in this project remain Austrian and Prussia, I do occasionally field an ally to one of those two primary adversaries.

One, two battalion Swiss regiment has already entered service as Regiment Diesbach whom stood solidly at Rossbach.  Since Diesbach was already mustered, a logical choice was to field its sister regiment in the brigade, Wittmer.

As all musketeer battalions in this project, field strength is about 600 men which works out to roughly a man-to-figure ratio of 25:1.  The 23 Figures are all Blue Moon French (painted as Swiss) from the FIW range.

While working on Wittmer Battalion #1, I needed to check the detail of webbing.  Pulling Diesbach from the box, I immediately noticed that the two battalions had yet to receive their colors.  The flags had been created some time ago so it was a simple step to add colors to these two battalions.  Below is Regiment Diesbach carrying its newly distributed colors.

No flag yet for Wittmer.  Those colors will be created once the second battalion is fielded and there are enough other flags to justify printing out one flag sheet.  Placing the newly raised battalion into the holding box reminded me that I really ought to pull the collection from boxes and make a group photo shoot.  As the project has grown, I have yet to deploy them all on the gaming table.  Even for 18s, the weight of lead may cause the table to groan a bit.   


  1. great stuff SYW my fav period what ever scale you use :)
    Peace James

    1. A favorite of mine too. Now, I only need to get these troops into a game. For now, I will stick to 18mm since I have a large investment in that size.

  2. That's beautiful work Jonathan, don't mind Ray!

  3. These really do look very nice. Love the way they pop, I vote for a group shot, we need to see them


    1. Appreciate the comment, Ian. One vote for a group photo noted.

  4. Lovely, dashing fellows! El Machino strikes again!

    What rules are you going to use for the SYW?

  5. Hi Monty! Since the project has not made it onto the game table yet, rules to use are still in flux. When I started this project, I knew I wanted single stand battalions and squadrons. The actual mechanisms used to fight the battles were TBD. I really need to put pen to paper and figure out what I want in a battalion level SYW game.

    1. Fascinating! You are a painter first and a player 2nd, right?

      I have to see where I'm going before I paint up troops. Even then, if they don't get on the table, that puts me off. So I guess we're at different ends of the spectrum. Which is good for you!

    2. Patience, grasshopper.

      Once the figures are painted, rebasing is an easy chore. Maybe not enjoyable but it is easy. This project began on a whim to paint a "few" Austrian battalions. You'll soon see where that has led.

      Appreciate your comments!

  6. What a nice addition to the collection!

    1. My plan is to pull the collection out this weekend and take a few photos. I may be shocked.
