
Saturday, October 26, 2013

Punic Wars - Spanish Cavalry

Although two data points does not a trend make, I feel a bit of a calling from the 28mm Punic Wars project having produced three stands this week.  I pushed out the heavy veteran infantry stand a couple of days ago and now release two stands of Spanish heavy cavalry.  The Spanish heavies are Renegade Miniatures and were picked up in Renegade's 5-4-4 deal back in May (as were the veteran foot).  Renegade's cavalry are big and stand over most other 28mm manufacturers cavalry but I like them and they do look menacing on the table.  Hopefully, Renegade will offer another sale to give me another chance to pick up a few more.

Currently on the workbench are two stands of Numidian skirmishers of four figures each.  Besides, skirmishers, what the project really needs is to fill the ranks of the Carthaginians with several Scutarii stands.  I need to prep and get into the painting queue enough Spanish for at least two such units.  Oh, I could use more cavalry too!  


  1. I love these as well, Jonathan! I don't recall ever seeing these figs but Renegade has done a great job of scuplting and you of painting them.

    We're going to have to bestow the title "Prodigious Painter" on you!

    1. Yes, Renegade makes some nice figures; most in the the BIG and BEAUTIFUL category. They paint up nicely too!

      RE: "Prodigious Painter"
      I accept but production can ebb and flow. Right now, it seems to be flowing. Years ago, a group I gamed with called me "el Machino" exactly for that reason.

  2. Excellent pieces. Are you planning a few Impetus games with these as well?

    1. Yes! The collection is based for Impetvs. I have enough for at least the Basic version now.

  3. Nice troops and a slightly different take on the Spanish cavalry.

    1. Thanks! Is the "slightly different take" with respect to painting, models, or something else?

  4. Very nice.
    I can see you are in the painting zone, keep em coming!

    1. Yes, the painting motivation continues. New projects tend to prompt the "mojo," yes?

  5. Thanks, Andrew. Painted units seem to be flying off the production line. It usually doesn't last.

  6. Wow - these some of the best looking cavalry I've seen - definitely for the Punic period. The horse furniture is particularly eye-catching, as well as the flowing helmet crests. Best, Dean

    1. Thanks, Dean!
      I really enjoy painting the Renegade figures. Large figures with details easy to paint. Not as subtle as Aventine sculpting but they will do.

  7. Great painting, and a very nice looking unit.
