
Sunday, October 6, 2013

28mm Reconquista Muslim Group Photos

When churning out individual units on a regular basis, it can be easy to lose sight of the forest for the trees.  With the first Impetvs game later this morning, I pulled all of the stands from their boxes and set them out on the gaming table.

The group photos illustrate what has been accomplished on this project since mid-July. With skirmishers out front, light cavalry on the wings, and heavier cavalry in reserve, the lines of troops are about four linear feet in length and several stands in depth.



  1. Beautiful! Good luck on your first game, Jonathan!

  2. Good stuff, that is a lot of work

  3. Thanks, guys! It was very satisfying to see the project arrayed out on the table. Unfortunately, my Moors fell to defeat TWICE in their initial Impetvs outing yesterday...

    1. Yes, but can't we agree how wonderful it was to see the Spanish forces perform so well?

    2. Yeah, wonderful. I need to devise a way to counter your high VBU crusaders.

      You commanded well!

  4. They look great, Jon. How did you like Impetus?

    1. Thanks, Scott! Of course, we probably made a few errors in our first games but the games flowed nicely and the mechanisms seemed to make sense. The game engine, itself, I like. More games are needed for a more thorough evaluation.
